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Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Fun Game 9

Fun Game 8 started to get too heavy, so let's start Fun Game 9.

Thanks for still hanging in there.

Please remember:
The aim of the game is to create a story.
You can only post 4 words per comment, and you have to wait until someone else posts before you can post again.
(Please no images ... they make the thread very slow ... Thanks)

Have fun :-)

Fun Game8 ended with

........... you're probably just stingy

(I was the last one who posted in the old thread, so who ever wants to be next is welcome to go ahead)

Reply Order

Post Reply

Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Stingy with his thingy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

He has one? Really?


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

an assumption - clearly


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

he expressed so sincerely


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but he lied severely


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while being judged fairly


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Not often only rarely


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

he loved it dearly


Roger Swezey

11 Years Ago

exposing it cavalierly


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

microscopic? very nearly!


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

only four words clearly


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and written so sincerely


She looked at him queenly

(Was supposed to read queerly but autocorrect got the better of it)


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Thinking he was kingly


She suddenly became tingly


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but was too thinly


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Like singer Don Henley

( The Eagles)


booked into Hotel California


Georgiana Romanovna

11 Years Ago

but did I warn ya?


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

about his hernia?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

You can never leave!


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Bates Motel, but greive ; (

( I never completed game 8 )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

on new year's eve

(that's what you get when you don't 'greive' fast enough Gersh)


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

In a short sleeve


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I use to meat-cleave

( was that meat-cleave, or meet Cleve ? )


Polly Anna

11 Years Ago

a pet named peave


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

who donned a weave


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Hair he did receive


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

To-his wife he cleaved


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

He cleaved his wife ?


he took her life


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She caused much strife


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

she had it coming


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

picked her up thumbing


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

... that led to drumming


Joe Sneekers

11 Years Ago

and now gas pumping


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And guitars strumming


He's happy, he's humming


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

always while slumming


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And stomach rumbling


And his fingers fumbling


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

his feet are stumbling


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

Humpty Dumpty is tumbling


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

then started mumbling


I'm getting old


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'm getting bold ; }


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

So I'm told


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

The wisdom is gold!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and cannot be sold


Joe Sneekers

11 Years Ago

but decieved he loaned


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

everything he owned


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Down to the bone


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

even his prized home


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to an ugly gnome


who lived in Rome


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

in a chrome dome


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

so shiny, yet alone


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

cousin of Al Capone


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

who uses a drone


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to secure his zone


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with a hidden iPhone


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Kept under a stone


buried deep in loam


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and covered with styrofoam


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Yet, an ecstatic moan


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

once it's fully grown


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Echoes through the poem.

Heh heh, hillbilly pronunciation!


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

never will Mr.Capone condone


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that his cover was blown

(Used 1 credit)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and all was shown....


One might say, overblown


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

ego of his own


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

toss him a bone


get him off the phone

(-1 next time)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and off his throne


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

throne is tainted

(even now)


the queen has fainted


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

she was not entertained-ed


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Her face constrained


Her husband, detained


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

His behavior, unexplained


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

his hands, bloodstained


Jennifer Vazquez

11 Years Ago

Writhing in his pain


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

making him more insane


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

and to reality he came

(used a credit 8-)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

accepting no blame


Displaying no shame


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

in his skeletal frame


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I'm still the same
; (


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

playing the bag game!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

So light the flame


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

only to bring fame


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

about that notorious dame


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

who took aim


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Calamity Jane, by name


Sharpshooting is her claim


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

wouldn't kill, only maim


Sometimes it's the same


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'm domesticated, not tame


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

now that sounds lame!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

That's why I came ! : )


to play the fame game


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

eh! its-all the same


Till you make it big


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

while wearing a wig


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and munching a fig


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

behaving like a pig


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

dancing a jig


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And doing your schtick


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

with a one/two kick


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

never hit a lick

( Patricia, are u ill, u look a little green )

; )


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

an amazing magic trick

(actually I am feeling a little ill ... holidays officially
ended today for me ... was sort of non-stop since Thanksgiving ..
I liked the green at first but now shocking when I see myself ...
will look for something different)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

for a vaudeville hick


Choosing his monthly pick


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

a sweet little chick


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

whose name was Dick


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Who walked witha click


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

but was a beauty


Jennifer Vazquez

11 Years Ago

with a big booty ;-)


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and brains to boot


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

a computer real smooth


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like margarine or butter


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

or maybe even....silk....


White as milk


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She's of that ilk


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And people she'll bilk


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

while cooking her Hossenfeffer


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

turns out she's a guy


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

only opened her fly


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to make everybody cry


Georgiana Romanovna

11 Years Ago

"why did you lie"?


he said with a sigh


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Lets just get high!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

of the stashed supply


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

How bout the hossenfeffer ?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Baked in the pfeffernusse!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Hasenpfeffer ? Pfeffernüsse ? Better: Pie


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

for Lucy Inda Sky


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

with diamonds


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

The diamonds are Simon's.


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Simon quit rhymin


Ask Hasenpfeffer pieman


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

BugsBunny hossenfeffer in demand


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Did the fly lie?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

yes, through evil eye!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And a sweet alibi


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

as he touched da-sky


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

chased by horse fly


His eyes did cry


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He had to try


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

t'was try or die


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Dog and butterfly


he tried to deny


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

he was a sacrifice fly


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

hanging out to dry


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Blowin in the wind


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

never had a friend


No ears to bend


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

No advice to lend


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

No money to spend


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

many things to mend


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Will it ever end?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

If email you send


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

half of your stipend


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

in order to defend


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and recommend


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

then follow the trend


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

and watch what-u spend


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

only buy what'ya need


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

What'ya need is seed


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Plant it in concrete.


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

on a shady street


Then build your retreat


(Basement excavated)


(Oops., Internet problems)


(1 st floor up)


(2nd floor up)


(3 rd floor and roof completed)


Still oops! (Plumbing and electrical in)


(Decoration and furnishing being finalized)


Final oops! (Party is on, everyone invited to my retreat!)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

An elite repeat retreat!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

delete the neat-repeat retreat :)


Ronald, you're so sweet


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and very discreet

(Mary Ellen, enjoyed the building process)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

When do we meet?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

You bringing the meat ?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Dont bring the creep


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

while prices are steep


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for lamb and sheep

I'm moving in if it's ok with you, Mary Ellen :-)


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

over prices I lose sleep

used a credit :)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

leave message after beep


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

no phone in jeep


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

miss the call & weep


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

causing Tom to peek


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

while watering his leek


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

his knees went weak


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

when he saw Dominique


he could not speak

(Christine, there is a suite expressly for you on the third floor with everything you could want...The Till Mill is on the door)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

So gave'er a tweak


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

then she couldn't speak


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

could only streak


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And maybe a squeak


While trying to sneak


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

over to Veronique

(Thanks Mary Ellen - I'm practically on my way :-)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

who is very unique


Georgiana Romanovna

11 Years Ago

and laughs like a geek


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

She's a squad geek?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

No, Greek wearing batik ...


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Mary-Ellen & Jackie, Gangnam style !

( dance girls ! )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

they're open for critique


Top prizes we seek!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

I hope they're chic


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and epic


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and kaleidoscopic


Just take a peek


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

fun adventures we seek


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

anyday of the week


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and on weekends, too


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Just like Honey BOO-BOO


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

who doesn't have a clue

(used one credit)


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

of what to do


Always in a stew


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with that stomach flu


Need a clean-up crew


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and Kleenex......achoooooo!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

and Thero-flu too


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

your nose - already blue !


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

Vicks to the rescue


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

but that's taboo


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

alot of foo too


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'm nearly well... YaHOOOOO !


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

So am I ... GooGLE !!!


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

One must be frugal


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

if one plays the-bugle

(-1 credit)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

duets with Gruff McDoogle


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

cooking up some strugle


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and yummy apple strudle


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

While dancing the Boogle !


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Gimme some shugie


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

time for ballroom dancing


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and some sweet romancing


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

with flowers so fancy


You're making me giddy


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

ain't that a pity?


you sound like Diddy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Yes ! In Vatican City.


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Watch out Walter Mitty


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

it's not all nitty-gritty


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

down in Twitty City


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

here kitty kitty


Called the old biddy


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

to G. Gordon Liddy


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

We're all so witty


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

But are we pretty?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

No walkie - You sittie !


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and wait for Gene


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

...but Gene is mean !


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Nah, it's just a spleen.

(used 1 credit)


his brain is clean


Joe Sneekers

11 Years Ago

a labotomized bean!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

a born-again teen!


Who's never been seen


Georgiana Romanovna

11 Years Ago

His name's Mr Clean


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

looking like James Dean


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Man with a gleem


From jumping in'na stream


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

wearing shaving cream


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

like all the team


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Not what it seems!


Cindi Ressler

11 Years Ago

How do you mean?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Life is but a dream!
Oops 5 words;)


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

my son is James Dean.

( this is true... thats his name )


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Wow! That's keen!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

rebel with a cause....


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

James Dean Gregory draws


William Norton

11 Years Ago

Fourth and forty PUNT


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

like an acrobatic stunt


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

performed by a runt


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

on a treasure hunt


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Don't swing...bunt


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

now that's pretty blunt!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Can't respond, only grunt


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while looking to confront


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

But not affront


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

anyone in the community


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

being kind, not rude


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

very refined, not crude


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Filter on! If a prude!

Heh heh see obscene discussion:)


Afraid I'll be sued


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

at the least.....booooed


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

or bombarded with rotten food

(-1 next time :-)


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

rotten food half chewed


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and projectilely spewed.....

(sorry, not a nice visual)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

how crude


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

behavior to be reviewed


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and further misconstrued


Roger Swezey

11 Years Ago

still maintaining that attitude


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

pretend to be good


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago



Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like the boyzinduh hood


Beverly Livingstone

11 Years Ago

OH I'll be good


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

If only you could


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

you're so misunderstood


cause you never could


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Look so good


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and ready for Hollywood


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

even though you tried


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And tried and tried


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

You can't hide


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

from the turning tide


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

and the downward slide


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Which will coincide


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

with tendency to misguide


Paul Scoullar

11 Years Ago

A holiday tour guide.


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He goes worldwide


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

running side by side


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Ditcher, Quick, and Hyde

(Law firm )


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Swear you never lied


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

or forgiveness is denied


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

n your goose is fried!!!!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

n tanned is your hide!!


With that you'll abide


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Regardless of your pride


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I'm on your side


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

u touched me, i cried


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

& clung to her side


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

though she couldn't decide


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for another tour guide


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Had stolen her heart


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Its time to start


Shielding Cupid's dart


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

ever faithful, ever smart


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

smelly like a fart


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

and sour as-a tart

(took the words out of my mouth Christine 8-)


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

We'll have to part


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Goodbye Fred. Hello Bart!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Welcome to Wal-Mart !


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

load up your cart


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

where do I start ?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

... buy an auto part !


Beverly Livingstone

11 Years Ago

need another cart!!


Filled with pop-tarts


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and private parts


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and cheap artsy arts


Like a pineapple with warts


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

cute colorful postcard


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for retards


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with high regards


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

of rainbow shards


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Watch your own cards


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

loaded with pig lard


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

from my back yard


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

straight from the sty


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Mud in your eye


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and on your tie


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

let's make a pie


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago



Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Tie? Pie? Oh my!


It's just a lie


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

for those who vie


To live in Dubai


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

& try t'catch flies


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and collect snake eyes


they make delicious fries


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

For the worldly wise


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

along with scorpions & mice


Heart On Sleeve ART

11 Years Ago

all creatures die alone


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

even thoses that're unknown


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Into mystery they're blown


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago



Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Nah ... it's FAA's home.


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Land o'the nude gnome


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

covered in creamy foam


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And warm honeycomb


while composing this poem


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

who's gonna show 'em?


Same people who grow'em


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

sure Poetry Display will ...


Undoubtedly fill the bill


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

need a pep pill ...


Ginny Schmidt

11 Years Ago

Must it be rhyme?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

decided by story line ...


any 4-words are fine


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

now ... start to shine!


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

this poem is mine


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Yours and yours alone!


Paul Scoullar

11 Years Ago

I hear a tone.


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

better not be phone


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while hearing a groan


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Throw em a bone!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

while walking alone


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and skipping a stone


hair-do like an ice-cream-cone


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

done at beautyshop unknown


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

crafted by Edward's Scissor Hands


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

while playing in da-band


Ginny Schmidt

11 Years Ago

but what if it's bland?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Never bland! Always grand!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That's Edward's brand!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Give him a hand!!!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

No need to stand


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

just go as planned


Before he gets banned


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

or maybe gets canned


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

... like Bobby 'Blue' Bland !


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

by the high command.


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

With saber in hand


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

then bury in sand


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and flames are fanned


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and posts are manned


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

and womaned even !


By men named Steven


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

makes them.....Even-Steven!!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

But half are leavin


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that's why they're grieving


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

they are pet-pieving


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and groanin' and heavin'


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

No comfort receivin


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

now I'm leaving.
(good night :)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

be careful - cold night


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Nite nite!! Sleep tight!!


Have dreams that'r bright


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

n bugs that don't bite


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

dreams of sweetness & light


And making things right


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

don't giveup the fight

(per Bob Marley)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

between sheets so white


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

and pillows from alright


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's out of sight


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And just not right


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Loving an afternoon delight


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

YOU better sit tight !


Wanna start a fight?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Nah! Fight causes blight:(


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and sometimes a smite


Undertaken with might


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That's not very polite.


go fly a kite!

(nothing personal, Christine!)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I think I might


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

soon you're out'a sight

(I know, Mary Ellen :-)


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

On your crazy flight


Soaring through the night


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago



Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

( my mouse did it )


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

it jiggles, it's fat

(per Arnold)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

A real cool cat


Acted like a rat


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

looking for cheese


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Cheddar if you please


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

with pasta and peas


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Pasta peas please


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

they grow on trees


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago



John Ayo

11 Years Ago

like a fungal disease


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

spread by killer bees


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

that-r knocking their knees


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

flying in a breeze


Marianna Mills

11 Years Ago

and hiding on trees


Buzzing about Bee decrees


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and useless college degrees


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

More money, please!


Paul Scoullar

11 Years Ago

give it with ease.


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

pausing only to sneeze


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago



Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

A mess just might


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

create afternoon delight!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Done up right!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

lasting till midnight


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

on to morning light


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

afternoon delight to morning glory

( borrowed a word from Jackie )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

it's quite a story.


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

More like a fish-story


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

even a memento mori


so on to breakfast


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Green eggs and ham!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and some strawberry jam


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

on top of spam


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Wrapped in bacan


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

served by'a mountain man ...


Clan in a garbage-can


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

on his head a frying pan

(i have lots of credits)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Is this our woodsman?


Lawrence Supino

11 Years Ago

Yes, it's Mr. Axeman ;)


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

searching for new persona


Paul Scoullar

11 Years Ago

A real prima donna


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

(play? I'm not gonna!)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

you should said Mona


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

as in Mona Lisa


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Did someone say Axeman?

(Gene, feel free to borrow words anytime! No problem!)


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Only fear the Taxman

( Jackie, I will return your words,
then ask you to lend me your ears )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and his sister Anne


Married to brainiac Dan


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

who's driving a van


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

the candy man can !

(drive the candy van)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

That's a sweet plan!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Let's drive to Japan!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Then on to Iran


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to meet aunt Anne


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

she's on the can


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

waiting for medicine man


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

He's tending Ms. Januszkiewicz


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

His friend, the witch ...


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

the real sand witch?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Which witch is which?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

Wicked Witch of the West ...

"Just try and stay out of my way. Just try! I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!"


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

I think Glenda's best!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

The way she's dressed


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

she is certainly blessed


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and quite obsessed


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

after she confessed


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

to unrighteousness!


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

causing such Oz unrest


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

somewhere over the rainbow


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Blue birds fly


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

Why Can't I?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because you're no bird


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

I'll wish upon a star


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

I'd like Jetson's car


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

car goes really far


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

but not in tar


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Air up! It's mylar!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

or some other polyester


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

it's me and Chester


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

the medieval jester


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

they like to pester


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

the judge sequestered


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and his sister Ester


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

causing ire to fester


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for another semester


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

Now it is over


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

for the mars rover


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

now we're in clover


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

here with Ben Dover


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

when she bends over


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to pick a flower


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

for a whiskey sour


Paul Scoullar

11 Years Ago

always on the hour


looking for the power


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

to climb the tower


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

carrying 50-lbs of flour


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Where she will cower


Fine Art Photography

11 Years Ago

not at this hour


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

maybe a little later


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

she'll cross the equator


Paul Scoullar

11 Years Ago

slipping in a crater.


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

landing on an alligator


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

whose eating a tator


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

baked by his waiter


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She meets her creator


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

what could be greater ?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Could be a traitor


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

oooops - sorry about that.


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Maybe a saytr


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

or a women hater


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

who might berate her


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

maybe x-rate her


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Or totally negate her


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

or maybe inflate her


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Don't underestimate her


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

she loves the chauffeur


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

But She's a loafer


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Not a gofer


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

who lives underground


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago



Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and gets around


Sniffing like a hound


Randy Rosenberger

11 Years Ago

but is happiness bound


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

since getting surround sound


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

& loves her basset hound


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

hound made the round


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in the old compound


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

but nowhere to be found
-1 next time


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

no point becoming unwound


medications abound


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

keeping feet on ground


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

or might become undone


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that wouldn't be fun


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Except in the sun


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

not for a nun


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that can really run


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

So could mom


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

over in Saigon


With her kimono on


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

and flip-flops too


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

you call them shoe?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

depends on point-of view


Well, I certainly do


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

love the color blue


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

me too


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

love blue muu muus


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and scottish Moo Coos


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

they are so cute!

thank you Christine, didn't know they existed ... love info!


Can you milk'em, too?


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

one teat or two?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

is that true ?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

True blue


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like sniffing glue.


Not good for you


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

A nose fulla goo


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

pants fulla poo


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Yikes! What a brew!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Like Peppy LePugh


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

from Kalamazoo


Sydne Archambault

11 Years Ago

Oh what to do!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

it's up to you


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and your ballyhoo


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

and your belly too


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

the fatter the better


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

not in that sweater


Looks like an Irish- setter


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

who wrote a love-letter


The passion was better


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for the garbage bin


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Where's that garbage been ?


Gene, you're very keen


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

behind that screen


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Nice or mean?


filthy or clean?

(of course I mean either filthy rich or clean out of money)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Which are you Gene?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Lean Gene's never mean

( clean out of filthy money )


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Just as you seem:)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

just like my dream


you're not what you seem


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

said the whole team


their faces did beam


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

grinning ear to ear


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

is he cavalier?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Spreading mucho good-cheer

( or is it manure ? )


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

looks like a leer....


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

stuck in first gear


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

with 6-pack of beer


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

down at the pier


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

caught a sea trout


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

eats it drinks stout


then stumbled about


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

while shouting out loud


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

That draws a crowd!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

from under the cloud


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Just like sauerkraut


Ginny Schmidt

11 Years Ago

what's all the fuss about?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Served with pig snout


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

by a big lout


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

with fries or without


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

With fries no doubt!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for the boy scout


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

lest he pout


for ordering the trout


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

from a close-out


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

he acts so devout


he's really a lout


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

but don't tell anyone


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

how this was done


and the story spun


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

won't tell a soul


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

about the Super Bowl


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

that last minute field-goal


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

they were on a roll

(used one credit)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

completely out of control


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

stopped by the patrol


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

for swallowing a whole


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

chicken-fried mole


good for the soul


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

so is a stroll


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Or a seeded roll


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in a sugar bowl


sitting next to a troll


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

on a grassy knoll


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He seems rather droll


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Wrapped in aluminum foil


looks like a coil


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Protruding from the soil


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

forcefully like crude oil


steaming and aboil


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Steaming hot, like Mary-Ellen


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and her sister Jackie


both a bit whacky


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

when they're wearing khaki


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

always looks so tacky


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

still better than Becky


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

who need a latch-key


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and drinks chablis


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

mixed with black coffee


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

munching on toffee


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

stop calling me sack-face

Jackie. You know my feelings are easily hurt ; (


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

what a disgrace


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

For the human race


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I said tacky...not sacky!

(using leftover word)


that's not the case


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

she said, spraying mace


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

while dressed in lace


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that covers her face


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And gives her grace


as she enters the race


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to frist base


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

pulling out an ace


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She jumps into space


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

disappears into thin air


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

causing a blank stair

( isn't all air thin ? )

( how do we stair blankly ? )


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Shouting "it's just not fair!!"

-1 next time


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

...franticly tossing a chair !!!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

at the concessionaire ..


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

in his underwear


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while chasing a deer


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Driving a John Deer


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to the stratosphere


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I don't always drink beer

( but when I do...
I get chit-faced )


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but keep it near


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

out of fear


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

as aliens come here


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

into the hemisphere


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

all having diarrhear

( what a visual )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

From where? That's unclear!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

From anywhere but here


they stand, they peer


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

at their flight engineer


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

seated in the rear


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

that seems quiet queer

( as in odd, or strange, or piccular )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because he's a frontier


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and a sight seer


looking in the mirror


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

and screaming....


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I must be dreaming!


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I must be steaming !

Is it hot in here, or is it just me? : )


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

like a kettle!


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Yes,... Ma Kettle


whose inner beauty shone


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

like a stinging nettle


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

put pedal to the metal


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and let them roll


or maybe just stroll


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

to that grassy knoll


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

beyond that big troll


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

... is that a mole ?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

next to the sugarbowl


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in a tiny hole


slide down that pole


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

not without self-control


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

then grab the troll


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

who's black like coal


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

sporting a huge mole


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

while dancing on pole


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in a tight bikini


Imprinta Art

11 Years Ago

making some people dilly


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

sipping Martini


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and having weenies


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

the size of zucchinis


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but in between he's


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

out looking for she's


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

all by himself


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and a little elf


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

While being stealth


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and looking for wealth


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

He accomplished success


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but not without stress


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

while wearing a dress


his life is a mess


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

only he can access


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

only he can access


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

his transgressions


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

in his theropy secessions


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Learning his lessons


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

about worldly possessions


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and valuable concessions


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

plus the many indiscretions


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

or all these inhibitions


signing with no conditions


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Bringing it to fruition


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

sits in lotus position


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to seduce the mathematician


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

thinking about his nutrition


subject of his exhibition


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

wondering about his ammunition


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

loves his dental technician


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

making it his mission


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

what now? another decision?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Yes, about his religion


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and a singing pigeon


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Whose sitting on a stool


lookin'quite cool


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That makes me drool!


you ain't nobody's fool


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That's a ground rule!


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

I am no fool?


could be your genepool


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

descended from ancient ghoul


body newt, head mule


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That gives rumors fuel!


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Kids can be cruel


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

challange them to duel


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

or better, spiritual renewal.


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

time to retool


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Ms J a n u s z k i e w i c z looks kool ! ; )


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

makes me feel silly


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Such a silly dilly


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

going willy-nilly


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

in a bowl-o-chili


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

prepared by chef Willy


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Who's famous in Philly


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

for his cream cheese


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

gives me weak knees


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

not food for bees


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Bees like to tease


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like dogs with fleas


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Eager to please!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

They eat and pee


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Not on my knee!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

on a Beech Tree?


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

That's fine with me


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

I agree


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

A very Poplar tree !


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

best place to pee


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

against the wind


using a


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

better than a trampolin


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

i'll giv'er a spin !


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

rattles the half-empty tin


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Found in the half-full bin

Used 1 credit ;-)


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'll spin'er again ! ; )


I'll have some gin


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with Rin Tin Tin


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

Pass, on Mickey Finn


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

staying at Holiday Inn


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

What's blowin inda wind?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

answer blowin inda wind!

(The answer my friend is blowin' in the wind ...
per Dylan)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and very fine sand


sticking on my hand


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

can't play baby grand


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

With sand on hand

You got it Patricia! But the artists were Peter Paul and Mary I believe


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Both of those bands

Recorded blowin in the wind


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

are from different lands


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Yet peace they understand


and respect they command


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Listen to Bobby Bland

Youtube Recording: Ain't no love in the heart of the city.


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which gets them banned


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

from the Peace Train


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

with Arlo, in pain


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

from dining with Hussein


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Is that CatStevens now?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Stevens' name is Yusuf Islam

(used one from my stock)


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

followed by a moonshadow

(thanks for info about Blowin' in the Wind)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Dancin in the moonlight


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

with Arlo at Alice's


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

on first date night


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with Deportees


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

My how they wheeze


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

when on their knees


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Arlo don't wanna cicle...


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Down This Golden River


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

a bit of slap'n'tickle


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with a Klausen pickle


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

on a motor-cicle


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Quite a daring stunt!


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

if I may be blunt


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

it's easy to punt


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

when you grunt


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

during a treasure hunt


that could be redundant


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

on a large elephant


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

making it irrelevant


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

gotta be some vigilant


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

like a freaking militant


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

amid breaking down detente


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with a hostile intent


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

ill wishes are sent


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

strong wills are bent


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

there is much discontent


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

feet in portland cement


no time to repent


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

but i will repent

oops...same time as Mary Ellen : )


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

better than lament


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

without meaningful content


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and cheap rent


money poorly spent


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Left a nice dent


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in the wallet of Kent


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

Kent has two wallets?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Kent has two wallets ?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

lots of money unspent


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

One for each pocket!

Is that like pinch poke owe me a coke?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to be always ready


walk straight and steady


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and hold your teddy


the brown one named Freddy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Now go already!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Put on red teddy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and little red hood


never did no good!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

perhaps you're misunderstood?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

I knew you would


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Mary is Mrs. Understood

( of Quebec City , 1996 )


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

I knew she would


if only I could!!!!!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

She would be good !


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Or maybe naughty


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

Perhaps maybe even haughty


Lenora De Lude

11 Years Ago

Then snakes saw her


She screamed, 'Help, Sir!'


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She started to purr


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Then lost some fur


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

during a blood transfer


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Now safe and secure


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

She is a connoisseur


of wine we pour


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because wine is the cure

(used one credit)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

says the brochure


Lawrence Supino

11 Years Ago

by Ghost+Mrs. Muir


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

who's at the door


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

only see one


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

C 1 - C them all


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Don't trip and fall


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

otherwise you'll see four


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and be sore


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

down to the core


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

& you'll be poor


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

no money for medication


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

next stop cremation


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

nor any vacation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

just big fat frustration


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

so get your vaccination


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and some immunization


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

make sure you're hydrated


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

before going into hibernation


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

you'll get standing ovation


without litigation


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

it isn't probation


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

but rather immigration


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and a little imagination


Maria Disley

11 Years Ago

Before the stagnation


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

of the modern nation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

ready for recreation


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

stop at gas station


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

My toast suffered cremation !


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

oh, your poor reputation!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Fodder for rumination!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

disgracing the whole nation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

not just the confederation


oh, the anticipation!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

of a great conflagration


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

sweeps through the congregation


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

fearing eternal damnation


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

of the brimstone persuasion


Kathy Stiber

11 Years Ago

just might need medication


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and not retaliation


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

could cause serious constipation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Or eternal alienation:(


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and merciless liquidation


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I listen with trepidation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and heart palpitations


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to these horror revelations


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

due to false solicitations


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and evil associations


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

because of clinical castrations


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

requiring vaginal examination


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

giving good vibrations


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Result: He needs brain amputation

(had one good)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Or to grow up


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

really needs a vacation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Perhaps annihilation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and a new creation


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

My sandwich received mastication


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Gersh is an abbreviation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for an odd sensation


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but for no compensation


gets rewarded for determination


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

Daleks do extermination


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

without any trepidation


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

Ya , Time warp intensification (lol)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

A quantum plane destination


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

invisible causation


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Looking for validation


Roy Erickson

11 Years Ago

put finger in vise


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

masochistic splice


isn't exactly nice


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but says it all


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

in for the long haul

(used a credit)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

fancy playing some pinball?


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

I prefer dodge ball


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

Nuns at the stall


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

preparing for a brawl


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

They trashed the mall!!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and started a brawl


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Shes long... Shes tall !


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that's Sally, the moll


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

& can barely crawl


she's in for thehaul


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Boy, she can squall!


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but having a ball


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

She's searching for Paul


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

& his brother Saul


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

& his other brother Paul


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

they caused it all


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

the deed was small


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but vicious, after all


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

they come from Nepal


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with lots of gall


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

riding on a squall


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

very "off the wall"....


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

so are their clothes


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

what else? who knows?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Where the wild goose goes

( used 4 credits )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

lead by its nose


Worrying about it's woes


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

quite trivial, I suppose


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Yikes ! I froze my toes !!!


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

almost came to blows


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

I suppose with bows


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago



Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and nothing that shows


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because you're too close


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

Slapped bag he chose !


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

then went into repose!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

damn near broke his nose

(only three words next time!)


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

tangled in a hose


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

he's clumsy, I suppose


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

Alcoholism exposed


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Door he tried t'close


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

came from the spigot


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that's easy to see


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like knots on tree


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

vodka was a guarantee


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

For a drunken spree


again, vodka was key


Amy Sorrell

11 Years Ago

to marry a goat


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

secretly underneath his tote


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

or maybe a stoat


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

Stuck in his throat


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like a cherry float


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

It caused lotsa bloat


On a lighter note


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Roses are red.


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and very soon....dead


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Tears will be shed


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

over roses that'r dead?


nothing more can be said

(1 less next time)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

about something so sad.


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

good gone bad


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but only a tad


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

who wears plaid?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

DeadMen don't wear plaid


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

MaryHelen, I'm no cad !

( coming to take you for a spin )


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

It's just a fad


Smud, you're bad!


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

Mwad mwad mwad


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

launch pad launch pad


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Blast off little lad!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

be safe, not sad


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Go visit your Dad


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

His name, Orville Shagnasty


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

married to a Banshee?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

practicing necromancy?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

That's not his fancy


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

married to Nancy ...

(thank you for new word: necromancy)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She's petite and prancy


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

but sort of mean ...


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

probably runs in'da family


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

this according to Emily


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

who always ate sloppily


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Because she was slovenly


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which she admitted openly


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Her husband is Dopey


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he is a Hopi


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago



Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

cries in her hanky


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because of bad yankee


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

who was prison escapee


in your yard, maybe


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

Pregnant with a baby!!!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That's beautiful news!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She's addicted to booze


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

plus covered with tattoos


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and wearing men's shoes


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

she's a silly goose


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago



Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like a wild moose


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

head in a noose


swinging from a caboose


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

while eating couscous


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

wearing a burnoose


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and reading Dr. Seuss


Roy Erickson

11 Years Ago

oieee, oieeee, oieeee, oiee


over the bonny sea


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

to see Mother McCree


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Ms Jones, I crave thee

is the wind talking, or is it the sack


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

screams the little piggy


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

While dancin all jiggy


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

Ciggy ciggy ciggy


smokin' and dancin' to reggae


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Dating Mueller twins... woooohaaaaa !!!!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Dad would shoot ya


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

or lynch law?


go ask ma!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Ma says they're great!


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

so don't be afraid


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Or too straight-n-staid


you've got it made


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and it's all paid


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Unless you wanna trade


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

sure glad I stayed


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

to get myself weighed


as opposed to sprayed


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Mary, don't be afraid !


I'm afraid of Kinkaid


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

dressed in a band-aid


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Ranting a righteous tirade


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Splashing around in marmalade


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I'd rather be spayed!!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

No baby made


Jason Christopher

11 Years Ago

ladettes u r misbehaved


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

however, penalty is waived


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Really? You caved!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Her auburn hair waved


her reputation was saved


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

.......she ranted and raved


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

While dancing ona grave


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

in her style naive


like Adam and Eve


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Don't forget Steve


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

who does not believe


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

good grief


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

wears boxer or brief?


neither! What a relief!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

He wears a leaf !!!

( MaryEllen wants to turn
over a new leaf )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

looks more like a handkerchief

(had one good)


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'm almost DEEEEEEF !


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

texture of ground beef


dragged across a reef


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

What an awful sight!!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

caused quite a fright!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

The blood ran bright


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

chance of recovery slight


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

sorry,, but I do bite

C U in a week or so, if I survive.
They're sending me up the river.
On a cruise to Cozomel


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

don't bite, be polite ...

have fun on your trip .... we'll miss you ....


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

when in bright light

have fun :-) ... stay out of trouble!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Lotsa fun Mexican delight!:)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I cried all night...

(after hearing that Gene would be away for a week! He will probably forget all about us!!)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like a red-eye flight


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

that arrives in spite

(Went there for my honeymoon, but flew. When the cruise ships leave all the shops put out "half price" signs. When they come back they put them away.)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

of intestinal blight!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

ooooh....that's a fright!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that's not alright


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Makes thing but tight


for flying that kite


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

not a pretty sight!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Lets make things right


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

There's a meeting tonight!


Paul Scoullar

11 Years Ago

the light is bright.


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

It's not yet night!!!!


you are quite right


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

It's only afternoon


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

watching a cute cartoon


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

standing on a dune


waves shaped like spoon


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Crooning at the moon


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

together with Pat Boone


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

better change your tune


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

"or get lost" said June

-1 credit


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Boone'll leave you soon!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He's a big buffoon


white bucks, my eye!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

No more Mr. Nice Guy!

1997 release ... in black leather no less ...

(have extra credits)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Now the accusations fly!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

followers said goodbye!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

fans are hiding nearby


his agent asking, 'why? '


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

time to eat applepie


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

OK - I'll try


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while flying in sky


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

A pie in-the sky


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

don't even ask why


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

hope I don't sink & die

In Galveston, TX waiting
to board the ship


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

if so....we'll cry!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and say bye-bye & sigh!


and again, ask why


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and plant a bonsai


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

cowering neath the sky


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

trying to establish wi-fi


try, try, try, sigh


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

or start over again


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

make connection via Zen


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

when in deep REM


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and coughing up Phlegm


PA-LEEZE! Ugh, too graphic!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

enough to stop traffic


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Creating lots of havoc


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

in oncoming traffic


Paul Morgan

11 Years Ago

watch out! she shouted.


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

you might get outed


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

from the feather bed


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

shaped like a sled


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Painted fire engine red


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

by my boyfriend, Phread


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with the big head


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

he's in pre-med


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

swelled head, purebred


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

who becomes a vet


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

the best I've met


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

wihout any debt


the best I've met


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

cares for my pet


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

drives a corvette


Jacob King

11 Years Ago

and owns a jet


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Never breaks a sweat!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Never breaks a sweat!

Maybe a drop or 2 ;)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while dragging a net


always willing to let.......


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

the setting setters set


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

so they become fat


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

fall down; go splat!


then state, 'that's that!'


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Along comes a rat


followed by a cat


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

A cat in-a hat


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

dragging a welcome mat


exposing a dead bat


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which looks rather flat


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Held by a brat


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that likes to chat


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Annoying, like a gnat


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that's exceptionally fat


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

named Pat


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

her friend is Nat


Paul Morgan

11 Years Ago

he wears a hat


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Just like the cat's


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He's cool, so phat


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

still chases mice


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

serves them on ice


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

whith a bowl of rice


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that sounds nice


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

at a good price


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

dipping sauce will entice


Paul Morgan

11 Years Ago

Not to much spice!!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Don't want them bland


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

won't be much demand


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in the promised land


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

details of destination unplanned


the cost will expand


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

we know that firsthand


depends where we land


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

on green or sand


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

on sand you can't


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

grow a flowering plant


Doug Fredericks

11 Years Ago

or drown an ant


Doug Fredericks

11 Years Ago

or drown an ant


Doug Fredericks

11 Years Ago

or drown an ant


Doug Fredericks

11 Years Ago

Or multi-post a rant!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

without having to pant


Doug Fredericks

11 Years Ago

or a particular slant


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

suave like Cary Grant


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

applying for a grant


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Who me? I can't!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Therefor you shan't


Doug Fredericks

11 Years Ago

Reading this I pant


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

It's a great tale


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Wrapped in kale


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and up for sale


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

But who will buy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

people who're wearing tie


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

planes in the sky


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Kamikazes aim to die


after eating lemon pie


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

laced with deadly lye


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Good for catching flies


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and anything that dies


never closing their eyes


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

much to our surprise


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

they need our advise


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but I won't apologize


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

until you realize


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

it'sa pack of lies


Doug Fredericks

11 Years Ago

well, in my eyes


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

It's justified


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

although definitely not wise


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

to the obvious rise


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

but do not improvise


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

It brings your demise


unless plots you devise


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

then given a reprise


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

down on your knees!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and eat your peas


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

If you please


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but please don't sneeze


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

or even wheeze


it disturbs the bees


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

buzzing in the breeze


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and the Canadian geese


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

want to make peace


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

while having their piece


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

leave globs of grease


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

on my little niece


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

who's such a tease


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

But easy to please


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

loves processed cheese


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

the kind you squeeze


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

never grows on trees


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

looks like a wheel


it's the real deal


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

served with marinated eel


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

cought in a creel


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

was quite an ordeal


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

to cop a feel


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

how she did squeal


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

It was quite surreal


he was a heel


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and rejected every meal


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

not containing potato peel


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

wrapped around veal


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

With lots of bacon!


time for a vacation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

let's choose by transportation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Meet at the station


get a quotation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

for participation


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

in household drudgery emancipation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to avoid spouse strangulation


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

by jugular vein manipulation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Must avoid that situation!


certainly open to interpretation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Only in some nations


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

seen as moral constipation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which needs alteration


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and actions without recrimination


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

best would be reincarnation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

or deep prolonged meditation


there'll be an investigation


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

only after the cremation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

of the defendants' dalmation


doomed to eternal damnation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Hellfire, doom and stagnation


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

avoid it with sanctification


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but first.....the congflagration.....


join the congregation


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

accept the resignation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

saves you from assassination


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And from creepy associations


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

that thrive on vindication


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

better than nullification


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

they're experiencing mutation


get ready for variation


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

two noses; one eye


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago



Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

will make you cry


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And on Kleenex rely


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Puffs you must try


What? Are you high?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Not yet! Wanna try?


tempting, I won't lie


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

yes, I'll be by


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Don't forget your alibi ;)


when friends ask 'Why?'


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

High from what?


Robyn Pervin

11 Years Ago

Come, you must see...


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

so then you'll be


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Visiting me at 4:20


jubilant and happy


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

looking a bit shabby


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and acting rather crabby


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Fixing that ASAP!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

can you guarantee?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

To a certain degree!


haw, haw, hee, hee


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

I agree to disagree :-)


Robyn Pervin

11 Years Ago

But please, remember this...


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Life's jouney is bliss


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Life is a bitch.


there's always a hitch


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

A temporary glitch


like a bad salespitch


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

The old "bait-n-switch"


good girl or witch


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

dirt poor or rich


steak or sandwich


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

kiss is just a kiss

(a song: please remember this)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That is the question.


Jovica Kostic

11 Years Ago

do not accept exceptions


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

expect perfection


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago



Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

A lovelorn obsession


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

At your destination


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

ends in consummation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Then silent consternation


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and possibly damnation


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

prefer celestial navigation


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Or prize of consolation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

all done by automation


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

in the new location


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

of the neighbor's dalmatian


star of animated claymation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Squashed by the station


mourned. by the nation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

With sentimental infatuation


and blind adoration


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

in spite of protestation


and false emancipation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in a forced collaboration


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that led to starvation.


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

mandated by proclamation


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Expecting adaptation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

until there's total capitulation


Ginny Schmidt

11 Years Ago

or complete isolation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

cut off of civilization


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Freedom from idealization


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and the 4-word ration


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

I resist this temptation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

with great determination


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and proceed with resignation


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

bearing regurgitation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with a weird coloration


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

after lengthy incubation


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

hungry - off to foodstation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

For a gastronomic creation!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

of culinary aggregation


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

bringing much indignation


hopefully, not constipation


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Nor flatulation


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

in need of fumigation?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

I'd vote for castration


that would lighten the load


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

a teeny-weeny bit


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

sad to lose it


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like in true grit


painful? Just a bit!


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

I need to sit


missing parts from kit


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Remember Lorraina Bobbit?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

she went lickety split


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and removed the stick


cannot get-it into gear


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that's why she's here


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

shedding not one tear


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because of fear


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Sewed it back on!!!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

no more Don Juan!


now, he's a pawn


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that is slightly drawn


to ornaments on'da lawn


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

that's it for poor John

(-1 credit)


his lovelife is gone


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because of his little john

(one less next time)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Should keep his pants on!

(Sorry abut the extra word....but it was required!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Trying to hang on


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in the beauty salon


remembering how he shone


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

now he's all alone


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

can't stop to moan


PainterArtist FIN

11 Years Ago

who would have thought?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

what his demise brought


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

When he got caught


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

here today....gone tomorrow


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

filled with so much sorry


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

He tries to borrow


a memory for tomorrow


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

but quickly expires


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

was killed by pliers


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Immortalized by choirs


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Amplified his desires


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to be holy-fied

(I made that word up)


that's why he lied

(I love making up words, good for you)


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

was a jekyll and hyde


much like the tide


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

controlled by the moon


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he became known wordwide


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

But the werewolf inside


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

his uncles old double-wide


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

floated in opened tide


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

'n' tasted just like chicken


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

It was finger lickin


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

better washed with gin


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

kills the germs within


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Makes the head spin


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but he's too thin


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

has an identical twin


he's also very thin


he's also very thin


he's also very thin


he's also very thin




Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

No, bulimic!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

just a gimmick!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but almost an epidemic


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

So thin he's systemic

Hey...it rhymes


his weight-loss was epic


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

looks like a walking stick


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he looks really sick


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and tired of living


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

so tired of giving


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he just stopped gieving


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

because he was unforgiving


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

living large living lost


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

selfish at any cost


he's his only boss


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

spirit at a loss


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

gathering lots of moss


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and other assorted dross


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Around his neck the Albatross



Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

is that his boss?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

who could toss..


a 500 pound shotput


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Landed on his foot


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that hurt like hell


causing a dizzy spell


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

home from the Ship's smell


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

hit a nerve cell?

how was your trip?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

like being in jail

( on a floating port-o-pot )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

caused a huge swell

Patricia, you can read about Gene's trip here http://fineartamerica.com/showmessages.php?messageid=1065435


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

next trip, hotel!

Gene, glad you're back safe! a nightmare of an experience!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

better: Hospital


Paul Scoullar

11 Years Ago

the pain is hell


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he's ready to bid farewell


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Trip was just swell


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

let's re-float the ark.......


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

hulled with birch bark


the interior, very stark


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but clean......that ark!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

where did animals park?


inside, in the dark


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Not even a spark


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

eyes were glowing


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Teeth were showing


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

tears were flowing


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

We better start stowing


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Before wind starts blowing


Let's get going


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and sailors start rowing


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and rowing and rowing


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

until it starts snowing


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

& we arrive @ Ararat


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Look at that!


there's even a welcome-mat


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Don't forget your hat


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and your baseball bat


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Incase of a spat


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with a fat rat


who killed the cat


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And then just sat


grinning and looking pat


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

satisfied and all dat


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

on the deck mat


my butt I sat


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

cause it was phat


you calling me fat?

(don't worry, I won't hit you!)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

changes her mind.."splat"


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

drat...drat & double drats!

(Never in a million years Mary-Ellen...look up the def on google...I think you'll like it 8-)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Compliments but no congrats


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

always up to chat


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Very down to Earth


full of joy & mirth


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

gold is her worth


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She's going to Perth


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

oh no! on lower berth!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Hardly holds her girth


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

ready to give birth


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

gotta be twins!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with two different skins


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

all needles and pins


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

found in cotton gins


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

A tall tale she spins


Here we go again!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She's playing to win!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Winning is her dream


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

along with her team


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Betty, Ellie and Josephine


about winning, they're keen


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Josephine is super keen


already a has been




Robyn Pervin

11 Years Ago

Ellie is sassy and


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

quite austere


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

not classy like Guinevere


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and her two "musketeer"


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

bearing arms without fear


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

assault weapons so dear


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that's their short career !


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Unaware, end so near


thrown from a pier


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

The motive unclear


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

no reason to cheer


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

only holding back tears


and not six beers


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

caught up in gears


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Left a big smear


just behind her ear


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

now she can't hear


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Oh dear! Oh dear!


shed a tear


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Did I hear a cheer ?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Bring on the beer!


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

pour us some wine


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Cheap or fine?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's drawing a line


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

why fortify the vine?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Makes wine more sublime


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

less tasting like lime


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I'll drink to that


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

so do I


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

don't ask why


Robyn Pervin

11 Years Ago

because honestly I believe


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in enjoy ... and leave


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

one shouldn't cleave


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

says who, says Eve?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

I believe


Gregory Scott

11 Years Ago

Extraterrestrial irruption befuddles earthlings!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Are they from Mars?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

drinking in the bars


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and intergalactic cars


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

dressed very sparse ?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Super stellar porn stars!


they're all named Lars


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Who all have SARS


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and drink from jars


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Full of moonshine


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

Gin tonic without wine


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

served in intergalactic bars


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

up in the stars


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

with their star czars


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

acting so very fine


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Sipping at the shrine


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

with a favorite valentine


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

from another blood line


carrying some foreign enzyme


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

To which they're inclined


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

They snort, then recline


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to an old mine


that smelled of pine


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

they drew the line


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

between them and swine


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

who became a mime


but it took time


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

to learn the rhyme


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and throw some slime


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

is that a crime?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Not if its lime


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

mixed with wild thyme


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

above not so sublime


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Doesn't cost a dime


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

if you're on time


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

give a chime


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

you will love it


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and rise above it


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

before you quit


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

You'll start to spit


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and throw a fit


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

but is it legit ?


opinions are split


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

they voted to aquit


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

then began to snit


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

then to hit


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

the fan with it


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

needed a toilet kit


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

what for we question?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

the food for digestion


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

and great constipation


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

caused an unfortunate conflagration.


causing heated conversation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

about a certain accusation


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

starting with stagnation


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

plus issues with irrigation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

An icky situation!


ending in strangulation


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

followed by cremation


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

with an incineration incantation


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and without any altercations


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

still hoping for reincarnation


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

but wouldn't mind intoxication


don't need any explanation


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

let's invite everyone!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

I'm in! Sounds fun!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

We'll have a ball !


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

just make the call


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

let's party...y'all


Wait! There's a squall.


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

BooHoo, squall will forestall!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

our fun free-for-all


we'll just rent a hall


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and hire Gore Vidal


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

he dead; now who?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Then he'll go "BOO!!"


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

in room painted blue


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

full of cheesy fondue


I think we're due


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and other assorted goo


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

now that sounds fishy!


Ben Van Rooyen

11 Years Ago

feels a bit squishy


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and a bit wobbly


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

like green Jello


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

call me mellow yellow

(per Donovan ...

I'm just mad about Saffron
Saffron's mad about me)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

isn't your name Pat?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

who is an aristocrat


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with an aristocat


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Didn't Disney do that?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

yes with a cat


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and cat cornered Mickey


gave him a hickey


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

cat's middle name: Trickey


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and very picky!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

The situation is sticky


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Along come Garfield + friends


and the infatuation ends


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but the heart mends


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and it often pretends


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and produces the bends


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

bringing new trends


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

zumba with backbends


eye with protruding lens


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

mud as a cleanse


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

relax, don't be tense


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

try jumping the fence


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

under any pretense


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and get thee hence


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He charges three pence


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

which is rather dense


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and way too expensive


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Yes, but extensive


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

making it rather offensive


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

what say; sigmund freud?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

his mind was void


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

(he was sexually destroyed)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

by his wicked stepmom


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

pretending to be calm


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which should always cause alarm

(-1 next time)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Could cause subconscious harm


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and sweat ... underarm


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Smells like a farm


he thinks it's his charm

(1less next time)


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

people kept their distance


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

from the smelly musk-ox


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

thought he was a fox


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which couldn't do harm


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

with those gumby arms


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

eating lucky charms


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Dressed like a schoolmarm


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

to evade the swarm


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

of tax forms


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He was in hiding


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

to avoid sighting


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

but finds it exciting


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and rather tiring


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

better yet, try REtiring


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

may need some rewiring


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

to better avoid perspiring


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Leaving them all desiring


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

What they've been craving


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

with ranting and raving


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and bad behaving


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while waving


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

armpits needing shaving


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

so does men's chest


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

No! Hairiest is best!


Victoria Arico

11 Years Ago

He's flaunting a vest!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

lice are a pest!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

His chest is a nest


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

leave for women...is best


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while heading west


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Where is Gene???


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

hope he's feeling keen


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Is he in arrest ?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Is it a test?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

must you jest


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

hope he isn't depressed


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

could be, he confessed


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

he's oppressed


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Or distressed


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

stuck in the midwest?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

snowstorm on it's way!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Could be all day


it will be o.k.


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

to play some croquet


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Don't stay away!!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like the blue jay


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

just take the sleigh


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

it's ready today


filled with warm hay


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and some good Cabernet


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

and delicious cheese tray


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Head out my way!


What did you say?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I said "here today"!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

get out and play


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

a real blizzard today


inside we will stay


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and pray


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

bring out the clay


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and the hair spray


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's not my forte


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Don't you have hair?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

yes like a deer


is that clear?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

yes, my dear :-)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

but please don't fear


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

For I am here!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Fearless like a musketeer!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Let down your hair


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and give a cheer


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

the coast is clear


I'll get a beer


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

secret lover can appear !


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

He cut off his ear

-1 credit


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

What a blood smear!!


Is the Dr. near


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Went fishing with-a spear


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which is a souvenir


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

from a secret love


Victoria Arico

11 Years Ago

Hears with his heart


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

tastes colors - yummy art!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's a healthy start


to a colorful fart


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

at K-mart


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

While eating a tart


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and pushing a cart


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

while throwing a dart


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

at the pie chart


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's just one part


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and it's not smart


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

to punch Bart


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with a pop tart


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

better use cake


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

That's well baked


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

his heart ached


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and his knees quaked


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

As he watched the snake


dance like a fool


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in a wading pool


adjacent to the school


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

This is so cool!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

don't be a tool


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Ora pigeon ona stool


hardheaded as a mule


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's the golden rule


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Always smile, never drool


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

especially when wearing tulle


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

then tutu won't twirl


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that would be cruel


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Would cause a duel


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

with petite-point and crewel


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

a real little jewel


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

& strife it doth fuel


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while swimming in pool


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Later eat some gruel


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

do we have to?


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Oh yes, we do


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like a vegetable stew


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And crackers too


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Don't forget a brew


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and some juicy ham


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

But not spam


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

have a baked clam


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and some tender lamb


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

with mint jelly


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and some sauerkraut


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

How about rainbow trout


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's better then gout


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that's yummy, no doubt !


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Cooking pork roast all-night


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

this could cause a fight


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

or some afternoon delight


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Delight sounds just right!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Yep! That's quite alright!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Maybe delight at night


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Or early in the morning

-1 credit


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

not good - doctors warning


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

That advice I'm scorning!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Cound cause big mourning


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

will wear mourning cloak


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Store-bought? No! Bespoke


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

how about an artichoke ?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and a room-temp Coke!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Real fizzy bloke


who can't tell a joke


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while taking a toke


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Of kick ass smoke


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Give him a poke!!!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

right in the eye


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with a house fly


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

we could, but why


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he's a bad guy


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

I just wanna cry


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

give it a try!


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

wear this green tie


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

with the purple shirt


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and smoke ... to get high!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

higher than kite in sky!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

say bye bye


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

with a black'n'blue eye


Anne Gardner

11 Years Ago

just arrived Oh my!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

we're a rowdy crowd


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

but not too proud


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

sometimes loud


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but always witty


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

and often proud


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

but for good reason


Chef MyKLove

11 Years Ago

but rarely in season


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Almost always pleasin


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

oh you're just teasin


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

or maybe just wheezin'


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

more like sneazin.


probably you're just teasin'


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

tis the season


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

For lots of sqeezin


which can be pleasing


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

unless you're an orange.....


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

and like staying juiced


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

gives life a boost


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in the right direction


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and great for infection


contracted in detention


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

from "D" block section


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

just ask for inspection


before re-election


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

to supervise garbage collection


and overte pollution detection


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

before political defection


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

because of imperfection


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

becomes a correction


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Where is our protection?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

It needs resurrection.


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and lots of reflection


before government rejection


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but after much introspection


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

there was an erection


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

call doctor if lasts longer than 4 hours

(too many words but couldn't resist)


giving him special powers


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

With that amazing tower


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

That easily goes sour


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

makes her a widow


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

dressed in black


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

after hitting the sack


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

had an anxiety attack


Michael Simoneit

11 Years Ago

Should've packed a snack


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

snack from a quack


vitamins it lacks


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

fitness? run tracks


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Librarians? in the stacks


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

joining together in packs


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

lets just relax


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

then do it again


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

like all free men


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Amen !!!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and some women, too


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like doing the boogaloo


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And the wiggle-wiggle too


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Sounds like wild hullabaloo


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

who knew, yahoo!!!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

meet you at the zoo?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

near the monkeys' play-ground


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's where they're found


just foolin' around


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

without a sound


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

All hunkered down


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

wearing his wife's nightgown.....


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

by a basset hound


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

heard all over town


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

was their intense howling


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Then they went prowling


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

Because it was adventurous


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and they were hungry


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

for some meaty morsels


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that were very tender


and cooked to perfection


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

the thought made'em drool


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and then he danced


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because he saw dinner


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

fangs on his prey


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

what a bloody mess !


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

not much finesse!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Lots to clean up !


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

So he began running


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

So he began running


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

wasn't feeling very cunning


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Not looking very stunning


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

But run? He did!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and without haste


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

And then he stopped.


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

in his tracks


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

he stated four words


then everyone else ran


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

"Where is a bathroom?"


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Go behind the dune


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

but that's not it


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

where can I... sit?


just build your own


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

dig a foxhole


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

then cover it up


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

but I'm a superhero

(Hi John Ayo, long time)


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Why not? Cats do


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

Superheros don't need to.


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

can you fly?


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

That is not relevant.


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

do you have superpowers?


better hide your cape


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and try to escape


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Live with the great apes


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

on video tapes


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

while eating grapes


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

can't make it rhyme


you need more time


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and maybe some thyme


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

plus parsley sage rosemary


not rhyming isn't a crime


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

I'll have some wine


let's pour, let's dine!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

drop me a line


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

promise to be ontime?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Your place or mine?


either is just fine


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

see you at nine


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Rise and shine!


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

hopping on the redline


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Where is the sign?


Lar Matre

11 Years Ago

It's in this rhyme.


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

hidden in prime time


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

A hidden treasure?


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

always leads to pleasure


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

that's by any measure


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

would be censured



11 Years Ago

at the censor's pleasure


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

without any mercy


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but stated very tersely


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

by the fierce Percy


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

Faith and his Orchestra


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Just right for dancing!


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Dancing and prancing


dressed in their finest


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Twirling across the floor


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

were such a bore


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but fun to watch


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

before you drank scotch


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and scratched your crotch


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

while visiting Smuggler's Notch


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Show me your blotch


that ain't gun'na happen


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

until I see yours


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

at noon and outdoors


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

on tables and floors


covered in peels & cores


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

THAT's what man adores


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

While chalking up scores


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

with or without drawers?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

It only counts without!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

says who?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I haven't a clue!


I thought it was you

(-1 next)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

I knew it's true


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

me too!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Glad that's over! Phew!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

No more ballyhoo?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and no hullabaloo


we're just cuckoo


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

With nothin to do


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

need a life!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and lots of cash


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

to buy a Ferrari


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Driving through the Hills


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

gettin our thrills


instead of taking pills


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

We will swill


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and swill we will!


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

sounds like overkill


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

coming from Wild Bill


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

on the window sill


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

in his coupe de ville


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

wary of any spill


that would eventually kill


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

while updating his will


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He found a bill


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but had no money


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He found a Honey


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

But, she looks funny


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and steals his money


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

what a dummy


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

She acts so slummy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

+ smells like a mummy


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Her name is Bunny


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and her mascara's runny


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but her disposition's sunny


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and shows her tummy


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

had a tummy tuck


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which was pretty risky


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She is quite frisky


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and copied his key


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

she's planning a spree


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

to buy my photography


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and case of chablis


tasting more like tea


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

looking more like pee


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Cabernet Sauvignon for me


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

oh gee


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

me and Bobby McGee


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He has fleas!!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

windshield wipers slapping time

(La la la, la la la la, la la la, la la la la
La la la la la Bobby McGee.
La la la la la, la la la la la
La la la la la, Bobby McGee, la)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

slapping must be a crime


got rid of the grime


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

from the dancing mime


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

vinegar'll do the trick

I'll be gone for a week - back next Sunday :-)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

Christine make it quick.
(Have a safe one)


Ben Van Rooyen

11 Years Ago

(or) you'll get a lick


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And don't get sick

Be safe Christine & enjoy!


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

travel with a walking stick

(have fun wherever you go)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like a hip chic


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

careful crossing the crick


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with heels that click


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Take lots of pics


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

of any hicks


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

out there doing tricks


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with shovels and picks


getting their kicks


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

on Route sixty six


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

playing Pick-Up-Sticks


listening to Stevie Nix


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and watching horror flicks


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

smokers lighting their Bics


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and some with wicks


Ben Van Rooyen

11 Years Ago

making sure everything's slick


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

So nothing sticks


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

specially with magic tricks


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

magician was a fake


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

because nothing ever disappeared


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and was all geared


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

to show assistants speared


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And cut in two


bisected even, maybe, too


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

her skin turned blue


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

sort of a navy hue


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like hair that grew


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Some where new


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I went pooooo pooooo


threw-up on my shoe


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

stepped on chewing-gum too


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

it felt like goo.


but then, what's new?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

babies at the zoo


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

crying the blue


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Danube (sounds like "awoooooo!")


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Why were they crying?


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Why were they sighing?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

or even still trying ?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

baby kangaroo hiding

Hello, Gene! nice to see your face
and read your words!


under the aluminium siding


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Which is sliding

Gene! I guess you are feeling better! Yea:)


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

situation is dire


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

it's time for deciding

(Good to see you, Gene!!)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

whether to go gliding.
(welcome back Gene)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

or horse back riding


I'm going into hiding

(big congratulations to you, Richard! A Tony, wow!)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

by crawling and sliding


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

into a stone pit


Patrick McClellan

11 Years Ago

Don't throw a fit


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

wait a little bit


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

watch some True Grit


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

(Is there false grit?)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Only if you flit


Patrick McClellan

11 Years Ago

Flit just a bit


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Gonna take a ... pause


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

getting into a snit


Patrick McClellan

11 Years Ago

I'm exiting this pit


Patrick McClellan

11 Years Ago

Throw me a rope


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

not much hope


want some soap-on-a-rope?




Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

(sang )


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

( wang )


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago



Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago



Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

( bang )


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

( Rang )


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

back in the beginning


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

The Alpha


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And the Omega


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

and the Prophit Rasputin


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

His horn was tootin


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Mad...sure as shootin'


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

his hair needed combin'


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Far from home roamin


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Moanin and a-groanin


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

had a kidney stone


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

That was overgrown


Patrick McClellan

11 Years Ago

I Think I'm cloned


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

or maybe stoned


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

your car was loaned


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

So you phoned


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

while you were 'zoned'


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with skills so honed


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but, by parents, disowned


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

yet...life goes on


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

With daughters and sons


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

always watching reruns


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

sitting on their buns


Roy Erickson

11 Years Ago

waiting for you to toast buns


complaining, "That's not fun!"


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

The fun is done!


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

let's get the water-gun


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Chief Bowels must run


we excuse the pun


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And will not shun


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

the long lost son


Patrick McClellan

11 Years Ago

Only looking for fun


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

But could find none


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

not without a gun


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

and bottle of gin


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

It was a sin


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

next stop loony bin


Joe Sneekers

11 Years Ago

the screen read fin


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

sure not Mickey Finn?


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

yes from Holiday Inn


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He can't win


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

the plot was thin


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

squeezing through the bin


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

So was his skin


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Like a bass's dorsal fin

-1 credit


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

let the games begin


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Just give it a spin


Roger Swezey

11 Years Ago

Can I join in??


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Roger will win!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Causing quite a din!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

let's do it again


It ain't a sin


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

talking to your twin


they are, after all, kin

(1- next)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

like Rin-Tin-Tin


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

heading north to Bostin


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Lickin some frostin


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but never ever accostin


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Never ever?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

My, my....how clever!


bring a lever


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

friends forever


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Even in stormy weather


Joe Sneekers

11 Years Ago

umbrellas make it better


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

wearing a scarlet letter


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

to keep it wetter


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

in a wool sweater


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

to cozily bed 'er


you just met her!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Mama won't let her!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

So just forget her!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

I concur


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

just don't infer

(I'm back :-)


that there's anything more

(welcome home, Christine)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

you could go for

(thanks, Mary Ellen. It always feels good to come home :-)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

like the boy next-door!

(Good to see you again, Christine! We missed you!)


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

passed out on DaFloor


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

ruining the decor


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

THAT calls for war !


he's a male whore!

( blush, excuse the insults fellows)


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Who likes to explore


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

past a detour
(welcome back Christine)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

goes back for more


never keeping score


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

ectasy galore


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Much more in store


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

it's all a metaphor


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

for life's regrets


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

But please don't fret


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while going into debt


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

you're not dead yet


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

hey but no sweat


just surf the net


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

It's your best bet


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

see what you get


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

she's getting all wet


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Is Mery-Helen bed ridden ?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

this secret is hidden


that topic's forbidden


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

no-one should know


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

that is fer sho


she'll not divulge more


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

but 2 x 2 = Four ; )


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

We know the score!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

But we still explore


what's outside our door


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

looks like a floor


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

so tell us more


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Just like before


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

about what you adore


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Don't make ita chore


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

for what's in store


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

will become folklore


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that makes one roar


but, who's keeping score?


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

counting each beau's "j'adore"?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

said the raven....nevermore


wanting to hear more


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Don't want to bore


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with unbelievable fairy tales


of ogres, witches & snails


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

... and puppy dog tails !


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

along the dusty trails


Sam Newton

11 Years Ago

while hunting black quails


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and singing humpback whales


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

He's wearing chain mail


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and a huge canvas-sail


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

very inconvenient during gale


He's suffering and frail


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Jackie has a rusty nail


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for fixing the sail


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

when it's gonna fail


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Better just bail


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and save your tail


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like the holy grail


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

endangered by chem-trail


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Cities of two tales

( Dallas / Ft.Worth )


from where Roger Miller hails

(1- next)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he had good sales


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

starts whistling like nightingales


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

dances around hay bales


it never fails


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

he sings in jails


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

just like Johnny Cash


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

or like The Clash


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

who lost their stash


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Of golden hash


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

it's in the trash


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

before the great crash


their actions were rash


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

showing in a flash


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

of an elegant sash


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Looking so brash


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

Like my restored Nash


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which looks like ash


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but worth some cash


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

OMG ! What a gash !


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Hospital! We must dash


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

you have a rash?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

happened after that bash


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

called the Monster Mash


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

dancing the Monster Rap


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with a harmless slap


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

she slapped my Pap !


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

I swear a mishap!


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

it ain't no crap !


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

It's a fly trap !


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

free beer on tap


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

yippee, I clap


you're a lucky chap


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

now for a nap


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

you poor tired sap....
(sorry, Richard.....nothing personal.....) :)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

cuddle in eiderdown wrap


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

(this sucks !)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

tied in a strap.
(none taken Jackie :)
(what sucks Christine?)


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Laying in her lap


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

her gown's sans strap


alongside a torn map


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and her baseball cap


her cat named Zap


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

truculent participants are supercilious


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And very suspicious


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because she's so capricious

(the double post, Richard)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and, at times, facetious


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Yet sooo delicious


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

she is so scrumptilious


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and very ambitious


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while cleaning the dishes


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

And making up wishes


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

... and catching little fishes


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

in a nearby brook


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

where she meets a cook

(-1 next time :-)


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

With a sultry look


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

while writing a book


about Captain Hook


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

who was a crook


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

with a certain look


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but how he shook


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

All of you mistook


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

him for a crook


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

who wrote a book


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

"The Great Nanook"


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

read ina cozy nook


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with a large wook


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and a trawling hook


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

and I feel forsook


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Your Soul I took


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

taken, but not shaken


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

only stirred


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

The edges blurred


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

what a strange word!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

funniest I've ever heard


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I'll not be De-turd


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

it is quite absurd


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

to be a nerd!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in a sane world


Del Gaizo

11 Years Ago

Sane nerds are absurd


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

insane absurd world


hair is always curled


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

curly haired Chinese?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

doing a strip tease


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

yes, please !


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

they cover their knees!


you get what you sees


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

those aren't the keys


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

So pay the fees


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and buy new tees


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

before I freeze


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and start to sneeze


killing the bees


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and all the fleas


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

love Ms Theron, - Charlize


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

down in Belize


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

she's no tease


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

she sleeps in trees!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with her tiny maltese


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

bare up to knees


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

hoping not to freeze


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

giving him a squeeze


I can hear him wheeze


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Like a stiff breeze


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

This day I seise


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

from my flying trapeze


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

over to Louise


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

who will surely please


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

while dangling her keys


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and making them freeze


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

her macaroni and cheese


she decided to tease


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

just to appease


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

took lessons in striptease


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Now hangs it inda breeze


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with all her expertise


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Just a-tease cuttin da-cheese


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

spreading a bad disease


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

An ill fated malaise


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Never displease a Japanese


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Geeees Louise ! Whata sneeze !


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

You do have allergies!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

You sneezed off your Panteize


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

off fell the undies


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

You guys!! Jeeze!!


show some respect, please!


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

never in Nice


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but always towards Siamese


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

reminds me of twins


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Cause one always wins


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

One always wins again!

Heh heh


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Someone has to lose!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

You choose!


with or without booze?


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

depends if you snooze


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

especially on a cruise


with nothing to lose


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'm searching for clues


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that's bad news


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

searching for my shoes


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

look under the gnus


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and check the moose


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and also the goose


Lillian Robinson

11 Years Ago

hiding in the snow


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

no need to mow


this snow should go


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

release the roses below


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

let the jasmine grow


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Easter eggs will show


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that colors will flow


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

like a humongous rainbow


casting a glorious glow


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Magic? You never know


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

spring comes too slow


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and winter will go


and roses will grow


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and fireflies will glow


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

where dogs don't go


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because it's so low


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but it would show


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

through the window


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

and even above


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

like a rainbow


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Across the sky


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

from here to Shanghai


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

don't make me cry


Larry Lamb

11 Years Ago

In a pigs eye.


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but tell me why


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

elephants fly


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

It's their powerful wings


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and their romantic flings


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

like queens with Kings


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

"Russian Pussy Riots" demean

( Google it. )


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and do things obscene


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

hidden in the latrine


is the royal bean


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

all blue and green


and also very keen


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but not very lean


intent on being seen


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like James Dean


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

on big TV screen


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

skating like Torvill & Dean


each now a has- been


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

like trash ina bin


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

the shy "Dancing Machine"


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

dancing keeps me lean


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

old, wrinkled, tired & mean!
(that's me, I'm describing!)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but only on Halloween


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and printed via screen


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

&Transported on a beam


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

young, smooth, sexy, & lean

( thats Jackie i'm discribing )

The Mueller Quartippletts are all keen.


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

like imported velveteen.....

(Gershie, me luv, methinks ye needs new spectacles....but thanks for the lovely comment!)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

or a bottle of "Jim Beam"


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

< wine-bibber it would seem

( Jackiester, me thinks me am a spectacle. )


I think Jackie's somewhere in-between

(-1 next)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

forty and sixteen

(You're good, Mary-Ellen. I took one off for you:-)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

ever so keen


to plot and scheme


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to realize her dream


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

of floating this stream


covered in cream


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

I want to scream


angry, it would seem!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

well, join the team!


better let off steam


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

check your safety valve


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

You're rewarded as I deem

( How many words was that ? I didn't go to math school )


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Apply your greasy salve


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to those in need


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

without any greed


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Like planting a seed


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and pulling a weed


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

for a golfer, teed


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Me thinks I've peed


and sometimes, treed


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

while wearing tweed


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

from the UK, guaranteed !


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

will he lead ?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

With great speed


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

upon a fine steed


a fine steed, indeed!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

indeed, the steed peed


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

straight into Lake Mead


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

listening to Blue Swede


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Whilst taking the lead


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's all we need


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

A peeing steed inda lead


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Winning horse, HOOF HEARTED

( Say the horses name aloud 3 times for good luck )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

starts to bleed


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Hoof Hearted - Hoof Hearted ?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Or retarded?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and possibly well guarded


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

that's how it started


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

the mess was regarded


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and later bombarded


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Hoof - Hearted has departed ; (


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he was out-smarted


and felt the sting


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

pain made him sing


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

about servers he'd ping


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and phones that ring.


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

made him feel "ba-zing"


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

(my mouse is sick)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

enough to say g-string


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

your mouse doesn't click?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Only after a kick!


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

then lubricate her mouse !

( everyone should click their own mouse )


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Maybe needs a de-louse?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

or a user-friendly house


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

I'll tell my spouse.


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

two spouses are spice?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

when they married twice


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

without permission? Not nice


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

sure breaks the ice


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but for a high price

(had one good)


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

so roll the dice !


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And add a slice


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

cake made from rice


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

healthy - not a sacrifice


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

could be lice


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Or even mice

(Happy Easter to those who celebrate it!)


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Just frosting would suffice


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and an eating device


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

like a fork


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

one from New York


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

isn't that a spork?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

don't be a dork!

:-) just because it rhymes


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Hunt eggs in the park !

( Happy Easter )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

from dawn to dark.

Same to you, Gersh :-)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

followed by a narc
(happy easter to you all)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

dressed like a clerk

(happy easter everyone!)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

looks like a jerk


Del Gaizo

11 Years Ago

who's going BERSERK!


Del Gaizo

11 Years Ago


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

every Monday at work


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but never does shirk


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

nor does he lerk


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like captain Kirk


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

He has a smerk

( I feel like such a phool today )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for every April fool


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

sitting on a stool


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

it doesn't look cool


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

he's such a tool


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

so old school


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

don't touch my tool


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

is that a rule?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That would be cruel !


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

could lead to a duel


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and dropping of stool


Ben Van Rooyen

11 Years Ago

Forgetting the cool drool


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

over counting each joule


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

adding fire to fuel


multiplication of his gene-pool


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

filling up the school


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

among them's a ghoul


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Who was eating gruel


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

making my stomach growl


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

before starting to howl


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and crying foul


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

for lacking a vowel


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

having a locked bowel


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while flying like fowl


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

together with an owl


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

throwing in the towel


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

after cleaning his trowel


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

used by Colin Powell


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Or friend Steve Sowell


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

wearing a friar's cowl


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Yore a good-ole Gauel


stated Simon Cowell


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

he's on the prowl


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Mueller sisters are splendiferous !

( in a good way )


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and rather vociferous


and positiviforous


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and sometimes pestiferous


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but hardly ever silent


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and only rarely violent


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

taxes done by lent


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

none left for rent


questioning where it went


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

not broke, but bent


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

now living in tent


their anger, they vent


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

strongly worded letter sent


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

followed by much torment


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and even more lament


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

while acting likea gent


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

pondering over money spent


during the period of Lent


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

fruit began to ferment


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to 100 percent


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

on sun baked cement


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

making a dent


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago



Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

left a bad scent


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

to such an extent


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

couldn't pay the rent


my nose got bent


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

from that wretched scent


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

even disturbs an event


to which thousands went


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

there were fortunes misspent


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Yall need to repent !


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Oh... let him vent


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I'm really Clark Kent !


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Where's my phone booth?


We need a sleuth


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to find the truth


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

we'll find one....forsooth


Putterhug Studio

11 Years Ago

The Phantom Toll Booth?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

bring out the vermouth


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I'm brushing my Tooth


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and it is looth


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

as the proverbial gooth


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

thoon to fall out


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

right into my thtout


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

how about some trout


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for the boy scout


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Me thinks we're all out


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

out and about


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

without any doubt


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

eating sauerkraut


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

with sausages or without?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

sausage of a pig-snout


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that recipe's thrown out!


now, let's all pout


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

from pain of gout


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that knocks me out!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Don't go this route!


give it the boot


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

before it will toot


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

flutes accompanied by lute


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

please use a mute


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Because its kinda cute


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I stand and salute


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

to giving a hoot


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

but don't pollute


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

and accept no substitute


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

for the village galoot


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

who ate a root


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

from his garden loot


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

where also grows fruit


for the old coot


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and his coach, Knute


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Made him go toot-toot


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

in his birthday suit


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

give him the boot


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

You're such a brute!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

a brute that's cute!!!!!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like eye of newt


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That's up for dispute!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and does not compute


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but it's all moot


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

for one that's hirsute


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

(OK - where is everybody? Is there a party going on somewhere....and I was not invited???? I can hear my echo in here!!!)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

I'm here..woot woot


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Love with great passion

( Jackie... why didn't you come to the party ? )


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

always in fashion


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which is an obsession

(I'm here, Jackie.)


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

leastways during the session


Jackie learned her lesson


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Mary Ellen's just guessin'


with my mind you're messin'


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which is pretty depressing


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Guilty, but not confessing


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

you are not progressing


maybe he is professing


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

or just simply guessing


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that was my impression


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

of his confession


Let's make a concession


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

It's all too distressing


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

so just stop messing


the matter is pressing


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

no need for aggression


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

or attempts at suppression


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

or, even worse, indiscretion


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

or, even worse, indiscretion


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

As an artistic expression


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

it's caused much indigestion


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and nasty pulmonary congestion


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

But...what's the question?


over the counter or prescription?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

over the counter's good


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's what I understood


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Good for your livelihood ?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

no, my cherry wood


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

I heard Cherry would


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

a woodchuck could


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that's totally misunderstood


woodchuck lives in'da 'hood


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

He's upta no good


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

How much wood cudda Woodchuck


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he brings bad weather


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

In search of a feather


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

lets all get together


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and dress up in leather


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

That would be cleaver


can't happen, never!


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Quite an endeavor!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

no relationships will sever


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

just pull the lever


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And watch it go BOOM!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in a gloomy gloom


bring out the broom


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And the air-loom


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Better use the vacuum


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and a cleaning-individuum


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

it'll be our doom


one question, how soon?


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Hopefully not before noon


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

sounding out of tune


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

like a broken bassoon


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and a heart-broken baboon


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in a horrible monsoon


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

Followed by a raccoon


sounding like a cartoon


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and kind of buffoon


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Is that I.R. Baboon?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Ride my beautiful baloon


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Wrapped in a cacoon


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

cry of a lonely loon


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to the full moon


longing to swoon


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

In the middle of June


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

remembering instruments need tune


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

tune with fork & spoon


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

on a faraway lagoon


just before noon


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

reached on a pontoon


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

He started a painting


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

He started a painting


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

He started a painting


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

He started a painting


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

He started a painting


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

He started a painting


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

shortly after was fainting


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

A glitch, someone just posted multiple comments, I hit the return only once......


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

poisonous fumes were accumulating

(don't hit any button when it seems to hang, Michael. Just close the window. Your post will show up ... one time only as it's supposed to)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

delirious dreams escalating


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but he continued pontificating


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

without stagnating


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And without procrastinating


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'll procrastiate later


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

later gator


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

see'ya in the theater


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

You're just projecting, Mercator


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'm not a Satyr !


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

But you're running later


Are you a waiter?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Or even a dictator ?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Having a baked tator


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

delivered by a cater


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

with a defective alternator


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

it's a sure indicator


that the obsolete generator


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

requires an investigator


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Bacon, lettuce, and mator !

( a B.L.M. )


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

get out the calculator


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and avoid the alligator


call in the fumigator


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that big old traitor


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

posing as a waiter


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

he's such an instigator


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Hop on the escalator!!!


I prefer the elevator


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Boots of the gator


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

isn't that a croc ?


in more ways den'one!

(cheated a bit with that last word)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

That's lots of fun!


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

lounging in the sun


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with my little son


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

who weighs a ton


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

looks like a hun


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

son of a gun


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

is eating my bun


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

goes on a run


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that is easily won


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

by 2 ton John


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and his cousin, Juan


mowing the lawn


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and flirts with Sean


Joe Zachariah

11 Years Ago

killed like a pawn


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

bank account overdrawn


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

makes him just yawn


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

its already dawn


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

he's a gone pecan


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with a cute fawn


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

That danced all-night lawng


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

in a floral sarong


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

that is just wrong


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that sarong's not long


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

was imported from Hong Kong


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

by sexy Erica Jong


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

sister of Kim Jong-Un


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

who's not much fun


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

she is visiting Bert


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

has him for dessert


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

She is so pert


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and full of dirt


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in his mind


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Not afraid to flirt!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

like a soccer shirt


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in the washing machine


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Know what I mean?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'm not a mean Gene


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but sometimes you're obscene

(nothing personal, Gene ... it just rhymes)


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

while looking so clean


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like a jelly bean


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

at sweet sixteen


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's mighty keen


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

for one so lean


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

unlike some I've seen


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

on the TV-screen


who are called has-been


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

now bitter and mean


their ideas are obscene


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

A mean lean fluffing machine


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which was dark green


Joe Zachariah

11 Years Ago

and could be seen


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

as a beauty queen


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

On one leg, ILean.


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And split a spleen


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

enjoying brewed coffee bean


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Keeps me from mean!


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like Jimmy Dean


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

on the big screen


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

showing now in Abilene


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

don't miss a scene


he kisses the Queen


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

on the latrine


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that's viridian green


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

especially on halloween


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago



Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

near the old canteen


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

upon seeing a teen


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

spying on the queen


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

who's on the trampoline


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

hidden in the ravine


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

a scary looking scene !


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

what do you mean?


Queen? Jumping with Gene?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

Good fun....and clean!


better ask the Queen!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

why they removed her spline


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

or ask Charlie Sheen


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

He has been seen


Michael Hoard

11 Years Ago

He has been seen


screaming at Gene


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

deafening those in between


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

isn't he keen?


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

he uses Vaseline


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

instead of gasoline


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

runs out gets bike


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Who got bike, Mike ?


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

yes, the little tike


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he got it from John


think it's a con


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

oh now come on!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

you're putting me on!!!


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

don't eat my wonton


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

It's under the futon


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

imported from Saigon


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

or possibly Taiwan


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

I did Taiwan on


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

sounds like a bonbon


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in the candy isle


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

she flirted with Kyle


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

all the while


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

walking single file


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with a friendly smile


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

dressed in style


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

along the river Nile


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

to view pyramids


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and the many arachnids


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

avoided by screaming kids


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in green hooded knits


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

even one that fits


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

with sewn on bits


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

resembling a little Spitz


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

but that's picking nits


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and matching wits


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

with Jimmy Smits


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

at a ballroom blitz


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I'm in the pitz


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Go see Dr. Fritz


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

who never quits


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

and loves his kids


and jars with lids


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and stock market bids


he's on the skids


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

while in our midst


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

he was having fits


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Like the Fritzmouth Salamander


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

through jungles will meander


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

his mouth wide open


with problems, he's copin'


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for miracles he's hopin'


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

or cattle for ropin'


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

A bag for totin'


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and a boat for boatin'


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

evil weed for smokin


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

you are pretty provokin'


maybe he's just jokin'


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Need a subway token


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

the turnstyle is broken


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

and suffering like Succotash


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

from horrible belly pain


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

now that's insane


and a bit inane


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

not a bit mundane


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like a great dane


walking with a cane


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

leaving a nasty stain


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

and you're so vane


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

almost like John Wayne


filming up in Maine


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in the pouring rain


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

riding the love train


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

home to you, Pilgrim.


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Howdy, ... other Pilgrim !

( no rhyme in mind )


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

Stand aside, another Pilgrim


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

sponsored by brothers Grimm


singing their favorite hymn


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

about an obscure homonym


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which is also a pseudonym


maybe even a synonym


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

but not an antonym


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and not an acronym


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

what? Not even NIMH?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Medical Herbalists or Mental Health ?


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

go ask the rats


they were eaten by cats

(-1 next time)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

by some giant bats


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

from under floor mats


covered by gnats


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

leaving some bad stats


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

about men with hats


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

looking like Minnesota Fats


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

giving you pitty pats


resulting in swats


resulting in swats


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

near city of Twatts (Orkney)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

people start organizing plots


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

and flying on TWATS

( Trans World Air Travel Service )


reserved through Big Lots


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

eating candy coated dots


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

most of them are Scots

(- 1 next time :-)


well rounded, with pots,


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

hope they've their shots


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and having 'clean' thoughts


about foes they've fought


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and things they've bought


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

and paintings they've bought


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

and fish they caught


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and sometimes fought


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

that started to rot


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and smell like shot
(I'm being polite here)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

being squishy like snot


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I need to squat


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and leave a blot


shaped like a knot


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

on the nearest plot


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

that has a lot


Allen Lefever

11 Years Ago

of ripe kumquat


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which leaves a spot

(Hi Allen, good you see you're back :-)


on the army cot

(yes, hi Allen)


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Out! Out, damned spot!


Joe Zachariah

11 Years Ago

Or I will rot


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like an old teapot


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

guess what I got ?

( coffee )


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Is it still hot?


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

With milk or black?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

makes a nice snack


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

before we go back


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

get in the sack


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

together with Jack


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and a Big Mac


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

bought at Radio Shack


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

from the upper rack


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

which has a crack


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

leading to the track


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

of hiding Freddie Mac


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

way in the back


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

what the heck ??!!


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

don't gimme no flack


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

don't add a stack


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

please, just one flapjack


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

that's quite a knack


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

a rather hard whack


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

go see Dr. Quack


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he had a heart attack

(-1 next time)


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

he had a heart attack

that was a big heart attack he had)


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

cut me some slack


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Hit the road Jack


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and don't come back


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

I'm getting tipsey


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

from seeing a gypsy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

who had a biopsy


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

performed by Dr. Nipsey


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and Dizzy Gillespie


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that caused some jealousy


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like an unwanted delicacy


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

despite it's efficacious efficacy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and its great efficiency


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

reflecting on politicians inefficiency


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

with a slight deficiency


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I experienced an emmissioncy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

that requires great resiliency


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

especially considering mental vacancies


Gershwin Smud

11 Years Ago

I am becoming Awakencie


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

no wonder your anomalies


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and your contingencies.


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

are unprepared for emergencies


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

instead they cause insurgencies


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Are pastors called Clergencies ?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

if there are urgencies


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and they handle currencies


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

during emergencies


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for the upcoming bankruptcies


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

resulting in chronic narcolepsy


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like fighting Jack Dempsy


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

while simultaneously battling epilepsy


Allen Lefever

11 Years Ago

seize the day mercilessly


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

and hold it ferociously


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Resulting in anarchy


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Hey, don't get snarky


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

my dog will barky


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

dog's name is Sparky


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

who's full of malarkey


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

because he likes teriyaki


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

that is horse hockey


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

as played in Milwaukee


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

similar to donkey basketball


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

ridden by Barbie Doll


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

just before her fall


Allen Lefever

11 Years Ago

off the Taj Mahal


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

vacationing with Lauren Bacall


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

going to the Mall


Joe Zachariah

11 Years Ago

which was not small


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

I told ya ya'all


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

talking to a brick wall


Joe Zachariah

11 Years Ago

That divided the hall


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

looked like a stall


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

with paper and all


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

more spring than fall


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

Good morning yall !


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

don't forget to call


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

your rich uncle Paul


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

and black-sheep Saul


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

both live in Transvaal


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

with actor Robert Duvall


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

visiting this Fall


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

traveling via Nepal


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and The Taj Mahal


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

And talking with a drawl


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and a loud bawl


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

into a cave they crawl

(used one credit)


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

to paint and scrawl


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

a bar room brawl


Jane McIlroy

11 Years Ago

on a grassy knoll


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

near south St. Paul


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

in Minnesota


filling their quota


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

of imports by Toyota


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

then scratching their scrota


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

While drinking soda


while driving his Skoda


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Down the roada



Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to meet Jedi Yoda


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

at the Rodioda


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

under an old pagoda


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Listening to Pagoda

(The band)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

ending with the coda


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

while watching Abe Vigoda
(Fish on Barney Miller)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

I sure miss Barney


Gary Heller

11 Years Ago

Can't find my goggles


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

They're in the shnoggle


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

well protected by Arnie


Gary Heller

11 Years Ago

Thank you, got em


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

said Mr. Armani


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

To the brony


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

( you stumped me )


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

I agree !


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

I agree !


Jane McIlroy

11 Years Ago



John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Perfect! So, anyway, Tony


Robert Matson

11 Years Ago



Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

What's up with them?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

They have a problem?


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

so lets get 'em


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

They're hiding in Harlem


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

where nobody saw them


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Nor heard from them

Btw a brony is a person who has an extreme affection for My Little Pony.
Personnaly I ain't one but I have a nephew who is...he's 12.
Sorry for the curve ball!


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

at IBM


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

getting jobs in STEM


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

starting at 6 a. m.


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

and working all day


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

with very little pay


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

What can I say ?


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

They'd do it anyway


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

to the Union's dismay


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

all work - no play


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

until they're old + gray


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

selling items on eBay


old but sill o.k.


Jane McIlroy

10 Years Ago

tomorrow is another day


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

well what the hay


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

What can I say?


say it your way


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

Thy way or highWay ?


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

with proper feng shui


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

On words we shall play

-1 credit


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

As my bones decay

( for paintings they will pay )

; )


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

in a fancy ashtray


while being led astray


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Saying, "hey hey hey!!"

(Fat Albert style)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

"I'm fading away!"


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

Fadding to black, hay ?


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

Sounds like a cabaret !!


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

starring Eydie Gorme


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

after taking a survey


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

And a minor delay


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

Warriors come out'n playay


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Eaking-spay iglatin-pay

(translated speaking pig latin ... hey...it rhymes)


they decide to stay


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

in Santa Fe


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

Remembering Santa Fe Clause


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

sort of like bear-paws


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

but with certain flaws


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

overlooked by Grandpa's


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

But never by grandmas


still playing on see-saws


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

+ believing in Santa Claus


Gwyn Newcombe

10 Years Ago

cookies, mistletoe, & cha-chas


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

So she danced all night


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

which wasn't very bright


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

because money was tight


Kiara Reynolds

10 Years Ago

Under the moon light


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

when the fleas bite


too windy for a kite


Kiara Reynolds

10 Years Ago

So dark no sight


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

one helluva plight!!!


Kiara Reynolds

10 Years Ago

Out like a flight


Face is ashy white


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

to a vampire's delight


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

She put upa fight


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

it turned out alright


Kiara Reynolds

10 Years Ago

Slightly shaken with fright


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

but helped by a knight

(-1 next time)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

on a white horse


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

selling flour, of course


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

what could be worse?


Him carrying a purse!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

riding in a hearse?


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

pampered by a nurse


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

with a witchdoctor's curse


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

reading an old verse


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

running in reverse


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

ǝsɹǝʌuı sɐʍ ʇı ¡sdoo


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

which is perverse


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Actually in reverse


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

Allow me to rehearse !

" Friends, Romans, Countrymen. Lend me your wallets ! I have my own ears"


Being completely adverse


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

I prefer a reimburse


Could be a curse


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

the power of evil


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

As in Evel Knievel


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

not a boll weevil


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

but a wooden gavel


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Poked her inda navel


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

Her condition was grave-l


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

My old gal Mavel ; (


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Didn't read the label


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

on the jumper cable


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

She just wasn't able


to stock the stable


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

so she asked Abel


who said he was
(able, that is!)


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

Being able, he does !


the stable was abuzz


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

someone made a fuzz


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

who says it does ?


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

Pointing fingers at Gus ??!!


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

What? No! Not us!


Jane McIlroy

10 Years Ago

We weren't even there


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

We were doing our hair



Duane Blubaugh

10 Years Ago

To attend an affair


Otella Brantmier

10 Years Ago

With beads and bows


Jane McIlroy

10 Years Ago

and endless rows


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

sqwauking crows


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

And heaven knows


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

whatever the wind blows


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

I'll nibble your toes

; )

( men need not apply )


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

lead by the nose


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

by women in hose


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

and other clothes


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Including those ...


Kiara Reynolds

10 Years Ago

So strike a pose


Kiara Reynolds

10 Years Ago

So strike a pose


Kiara Reynolds

10 Years Ago

So strike a pose


o.k.! Here goes!


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

She walked toda edge


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

of the thorny hedge


growing on the ledge


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

along with some sedge


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

feeling like a wedge


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

& hammer made by Sledge


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

That's a good catch


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

a mighty fine batch


Nina Prommer

10 Years Ago

better open the latch


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

to let this baby hatch

(-1 next time)


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

while rolling in thatch


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

and trying to snath

victory from the jaws of defeat


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

but then playing fetch


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

trying not to retch


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

on John's newest sketch


John's such a letch!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

a poor down-trodden wretch


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

he's such a kvetch !


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

on his Etch-a-Sketch


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

well, that's a stretch


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

of the truth


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

like a sore tooth


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

in a kissing booth


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

And he's so aloof


I think it's a spoof

(-1 next time)


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

ending in a poof


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Just a big goof


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

kicked by horses hoof

( The horse was named Hoof Hearted )


kissing the roof


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

looking like a doof


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

with only one tooth


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

in a telephone booth


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

he's so uncouth


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

drinking that cheap vermouth


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

made her feel loose


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

when reading Dr. Seuss


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

so she got abuse


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

when she visited Toulouse


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

In her red caboose


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

Yikes !!! Caboose is loose !


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

like a long neck goose.
(used one from my surplus)


spotting a canadian moose


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

With a hangmans noose


Michael Koratich

10 Years Ago

sounds like abuse


he looking for couscous


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

to feed his papoose


Michael Koratich

10 Years Ago

its daily orange juice


and then vamoose


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

on a Caribbean cruise


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

with a bad bruise


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

Ignor that Bad Bruce !


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

Or I'll call Zeus


he took the bus


Joyce Gebauer

10 Years Ago

and created a fuss


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

among many of us


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

created a big fuzz


Jane McIlroy

10 Years Ago

a bad hair day


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Frizzy all the way


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

it just won't stay


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Better use the spray


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

we ran out today


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

then cut it away


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Cut it?! NO WAY!!!

Ain't much left to cut anymore lol


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

it's not my forte


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

you're falling short eh?


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Can't get hair t'stay


flat hair's o.k.


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

that's good news. Hooray!


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

< Hair's like bale of hay

( thin hay )


those hair-dos of today


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

blow my mind away!


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

sometime in May


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

matter of fact.....today!


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

how about an entree ?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

You going to pay?


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

Not before I'm gray!


Watch what you say


Nina Prommer

10 Years Ago

before hitting the hay


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

or playing with clay


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

making a blue jay


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

out of chilled Parkay


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

preserved with hair spray


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

sold only in Saskatchewan


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

by Don Juan


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

who passed it on


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

to a surly ex-con


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Who was blonde


Do you need one?


Duane Blubaugh

10 Years Ago

I'll give you some


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

along with some rum


Rum? I'll have some!


Gershwin Smud

10 Years Ago

Rum makes me Dum


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

How about chewing gum?


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

Gum gum dum dum

Movie reference....anyone know the movie?


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

I'll tell your Mum!


NO! She'll want some!


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

during the team scrum


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

for the whole slum


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

instead let's collect aluminum


Jane McIlroy

10 Years Ago

or maybe even uranium


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

causing pandemonium


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

when carrying a euphonium


made of zirconium


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

and titanium


Ronald T Williams

10 Years Ago

At the Palladium


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

or any old stadium


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

with an antique harmonium


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

Dum De Dum Dum......

( sang to the tune of the old Dragnet show theme )


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

is that a drum ?


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

makes your ears numb


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

and makes you succumb


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

makes you want rum

( like a dumb bum wants some )


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

said Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum!


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

Look what they've become !


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

detailed or in sum?


Georgiana Romanovna

10 Years Ago

....sure as the sun


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

it can be fun


just watch them run


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

wait...... I aint done

( see my brownies in the coffee club )


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

you're the last one


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

those brownies look great


The ones I ate?


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

Thanks... & g'day mate !


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

They make you gain weight

(-1 next time)


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

that's definitely my fate


for me, too late


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

hula hoop won't gyrate :(


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

that's what I hate!


there's more! Just wait


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

for your soul mate


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

waiting at the gate


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

tonight at eight


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

his brilliance will emanate


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

he'll present a certificate


authenticating his genuine wombat


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

tested in interwombat combat


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

me run from dat


don't lose your hat


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

to Garfield, the cat


that cat's too fat


Jane McIlroy

10 Years Ago

can't argue with that!


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

I need a brake


would you settle for cake


Gene Gregory

10 Years Ago

you want to bake ?


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

Have a milk shake.


Jackie Mueller-Jones

10 Years Ago

at Ned Devine's wake


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

to ease the heartache


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

OK i'm awake


that's only your take


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

thirst, I must slake


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

otherwise health's at stake


martinis! I will make!


Alexandra Till

10 Years Ago

START! For God's sake!


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

swimming in the lake


Drinks - ready to take


Richard Rizzo

10 Years Ago

hey my feet ache


John Ayo

10 Years Ago

ok, take a break


This discussion is closed.