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Master Bates Held In Asylum

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Master Bates Held In Asylum

January 21st, 2016 - Fall River, MA

You read that right.Norman's rich cousin,Master Simple Simon Bates has gone too far this time.That hairy knuckled pinhead was arrested last month wearing his mama's dress around town,scaring all the old ladies at the bingo over at the VFW hall.broihier That bearded buffoon should have at least shaved if he was gonna parade around town in that old gray,flea infested rag he inherited from that feeble minded,cross dressing psycho killer cousin Norman.broihier A take on the Alfred Hitchcock classic Psycho,I did this painting with the idea it would make an interesting shower curtain.broihier The final product is a PG-13 rated shower cousin to the original scene with Janet Leigh.broihier Master,Have you seen my wig? was painted on an 8x10 canvas.broihier We are running a day late here at the pen,tech problems have caused the delay but we are hopefully back on track.broihier That's our weekly update,we'll see you next week.broihier Thanks Dennis

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