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Some very popular images and some just uploaded KEEP THEM FLOWING


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April 10th, 2015 - 12:25 PM

Some very popular images and some just uploaded KEEP THEM FLOWING

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Word Definition
aardwolf South African carnivorous fox-like quadruped
aasvogel South African vulture
aba garment of camel or goat hair; camel or goat-hair fabric
abacinate to blind by putting red-hot copper basin near the eyes
abactor cattle thief
abaculus small tile for mosaic
abaft toward or at the stern of a ship; further aft
abampere unit equivalent to 10 amperes
abapical at the lowest point
abarticular not connected with the joint
abasement action of humbling or degrading
abasia inability to walk due to lack of muscular coordination
abask in genial warmth
abatis rampart of felled trees and branches
abatjour skylight or device to direct light into a room
abattoir public slaughterhouse
abature trail through wood beaten down by a stag
abb yarn used for warp
abba Syriac or Coptic bishop
abbatial of, like or pertaining to abbots or an abbey
abbozzo preliminary sketch
abditive remote; secret; hidden
abdominous having a paunch or big belly
abducent turning away; bearing away from
abeam in a line at right angles to the length of a vessel, on the beam
abear to bear; to comport; to behave
abecedarian of, like or pertaining to the order of the alphabet; rudimentary
abecedism word created from the initials of words in a phrase
abele white poplar tree
abeng Jamaican bugle made from cow horn
aberdevine alternate name for the siskin
aberuncators long tool for pruning tall branches
abessive indicating absence or lack
abiectic of, like or pertaining to fir trees or fir sap
abigail a lady's maid
abigeus cattle rustler
abiogenesis spontaneous generation of living matter
abiotrophy degeneration; loss of physical vitality or ability
abirritate to alleviate irritation; to reduce sensitivity
abiturient pupil leaving school for university
abject humble; miserable; craven
ablactation weaning of a child from its mother's milk
ablative indicating direction from or time when
ablator thermal protection on outside of spacecraft
ablaut variation in root vowel of words to change meaning
ablegate papal envoy or legate
ablepsia blindness
ablow in a blowing state
abluent cleanser or cleansing product
ablution ritual washing
ablutomania mania for washing oneself
abnegate to renounce or repudiate
abodement an omen; a foretelling
aboideau tide gate
abolla Roman military cloak
abomasum ruminant's fourth stomach
aboral away from the mouth
abord to accost; to approach
aborning during birth; while being born
aborticide killing of a fetus; abortion
abortuary anti-abortion term for an abortion clinic
aboulia loss of ability to make decisions
aboulomania pathological indecisiveness
aboutsledge largest blacksmith's hammer
abra narrow mountain pass
abradant a substance that abrades
abraid to awaken or rouse
abraxas gem engraved with mystical word and bearing human-animal figure
abreuvoir joint or gap between two stones in masonry
abroach in a condition to allow liquor to run out
abrosia fasting
abscind to pare, reduce, cut off or away
abscissa horizontal distance from a fixed line to a point
abscission cutting off; cutting away
absconce lantern used in monasteries and night offices
abseil to descend a rock face using a double rope
absentaneous done in absence; pertaining to absence
absinthial of, like or pertaining to wormwood; bitter
absinthism disease resembling alcoholism
absit leave to pass one night away from college
absolutism doctrine of government by a single absolute ruler; autocracy
absolutive indicating subject or object of intransitive verb
absolutory forgiving or absolving
absonant discordant; abhorrent
absorbefacient causing or promoting absorption
absorptiometer instrument for measuring solubility of gases in liquids
absquatulate to decamp; to leave quickly; to flee
absterge wipe clean; expunge; purge; purify
absurdism doctrine that we live in an irrational universe
abterminal going from the end inwards
abthane monastic region of the old Irish church
abulia lack of ability to make decisions; aboulia
abuna Ethiopian patriarch
abusion misuse; outrage; deception
abutment masonry on a wall that supports an arch
abvolt unit of electrical potential equal to one hundred millionth of a volt
aby to make amends; atone; pay a penalty
abyssopelagic of, like or pertaining to the depths of the ocean
academicism doctrine that nothing can be known
acanaceous bearing prickles or thistles; prickly
acantha prickle
acanthous spiny; prickly
acapnia lack or deficiency of carbon dioxide
acapnotic non-smoker; non-smoking
acariasis irritating itching insect infestation
acaricide killer of mites and ticks
acarine of, like or pertaining to ticks or mites
acarology study of mites
acarophobia fear of itching or of insects causing itching
acarpous sterile; not bearing fruit
acatalectic having complete or full number of syllables in a poetic line
acatalepsy the unknowableness of all things to a certainty
acatamathesia inability to understand data presented to the senses
acates provisions that have been purchased
acatour provisioner; quartermaster
acaudate tailless
acaulescent having a very short stem
accelerometer instrument for measuring acceleration or vibrations
accend to kindle
accensor acolyte
accentor songbird
acceptilation remission of debt or liability through fictitious repayment
accessit prize for students in second place; honourable mention
acciaccatura very short note played before a longer one
accidence grammar book; science of inflections in grammar
accidentalism theory that events do not have causes
accidie sloth; physical torpor
accinge to gird
accipiter bandage worn around the nose
accipitral like a bird of prey; rapacious
accipitrine of, like or pertaining to falcons and hawks
accismus in rhetoric, pretending to refuse something
accite to cite; to summon
acclinate sloping upwards
acclivity upward slope
accloy to hobble with a horseshoe nail
accolade curved architectural moulding; vertical line joining two musical staves
accolent neighbouring
accollé of a heraldic animal, entwined or collared
accosted in heraldry, two figures placed side by side
accoucheur male midwife
accoucheuse female midwife
accourage to encourage
accourt to entertain
accoy to subdue; to pacify; to soothe
accrementition increase or growth by adding similar material
accretion accumulation; addition of parts to form a whole
accubation reclining as on a couch
accubitum crescent-shaped couch
accusative indicating direct object of a verb
acedia listlessness; sloth
aceldama site or scene of violence or bloodshed
aceology therapeutics
acequia irrigation ditch
acerate of, like or resembling a needle
acerbate to embitter; to irritate
acerous lacking horns or antennae
acersecomic one whose hair has never been cut
acervate heaped; clustered
acervuline like or in small mounds or heaps
acescence becoming sour; souring; turning of milk
acetabulum small anatomical cup or hollow, such as a sucker
acetarious referring to plants that are used in salads
acetimeter instrument for measuring strength of vinegar
achaenocarp any dry indehiscent fruit
acharné furious or desperate (of a battle)
achene small one-seeded fruit or naked seed of plant
achloropsia colour-blindness with respect to green
achor eruption or scab on the head
achromatopsia colour-blindness
achroous colourless
acicular needle-shaped
acidaemia undue acidity of blood
acidimeter instrument for measuring concentration of acids
acidulous sharp or bitter-tasting
acierate to turn into steel
acinaceous full of kernels
acinaciform scimitar-shaped
aciniform shaped like a berry
acinus berry which grows in clusters
acipenser sturgeon
ackamarackus pretentious or deceptive nonsense
aclinic having no inclination or magnetic dip
acock defiantly
acoemeti ancient monastic order who maintained eternal choir service
acology study of medical remedies
acolous limbless
acolouthic of, like or pertaining to an after-image or other after-sensation
acopic curing or relieving fatigue
acoria pathologically great appetite
acosmism disbelief in existence of eternal universe distinct from God
acouasm ringing noise in head
acquest object which is acquired
acracy government by none; anarchy
acratia impotence
acre-breadth old unit of length of 22 yards
acritochromacy colour-blindness
acroamatic esoteric
acrocephalous having a pointed or peaked skull
acrography the art of making wood blocks in relief
acrolith wooden statue with stone extremities
acrologic of, like or pertaining to initials
acromegaly glandular disorder causing gigantism of extremities
acronical occurring at nightfall or sunset
acronym word formed from initial letters of another word
acronyx ingrown nail
acropathy disease or illness of the extremities
acrophobia fear of heights
acrophonic using a symbol for the initial sound of a thing
acropodium pedestal upon which a statue rests
acroscopic looking or moving towards the apex
acroteleutic phrase or words at the end of a psalm
acroterion pedestal or ornament at the angle of a pediment
acrotism absence of pulsing
actinism action of solar radiation causing chemical change
actinograph instrument used to calculate time of photographic exposure
actinometer instrument for measuring incident radiation
actinotherapy use of ultraviolet rays as medical therapy
acton stuffed jacket worn under armour; haqueton
actuate communicate motion to; cause
aculeate prickly; pointed; stinging; a stinging insect
aculeiform shaped like a thorn
acultomancy divination using needles
acuminate tapered; pointed; to sharpen
acutiator sharpener of weapons
acutorsion twisting artery with needle to stop bleeding
acyanopsia colour-blindness with respect to blue
acyesis female sterility
acyrology incorrect diction or pronunciation
adactylous lacking fingers or claws
adamantine unbreakable; impenetrable
adamitism nakedness for religious reasons
adaxial next to or towards the axis
addax large African antelope
addax spiral-horned antelope dwelling in the Sahara desert
additament thing added or appended; heraldic ornament
addititious of, pertaining to or resulting from addition
addle putrid; barren; muddled
addorsed turned back to back in heraldry
adduce cite as proof or instance
adeciduate evergreen; coniferous
adeem to cancel a bequest by destruction of the object
adelaster provisional name for a plant whose flowers are unknown
adelphogamy sharing of a wife by two or more brothers
ademption revocation of donation by donor
adenalgia painful swelling of a gland
adenia glandular swelling
adeniform shaped like a gland
adenography descriptive work on the glandular system
adenoid of, like or pertaining to or like a gland
adenology study of glands
adenotomy removal or excision of gland
adespota anonymous works
adessive indicating place where or proximity to
adevism denial of gods of mythology and legend
adharma unrighteousness
adhibit to attach; to admit; to administer
adhocracy government in an unstructured fashion; an unstructured organization
adiabatic without transference of heat
adiaphoresis absence of perspiration; inability to perspire
adiaphorism doctrine of theological indifference or latitudinarianism
adiaphoron tenet or belief on which a theological system is indifferent
adiapneustia defective perspiration
adiathermancy impermeability to radiant energy
adipescent becoming fat or fatty
adipic of, like or pertaining to fatty substances
adipocere fatty substance occurring in corpses left in moist areas
adipsia absence or lack of thirst
adit opening or passage into a mine
adjudge to decide; to award
adjutage nozzle
adjutant enormous Indian stork
adjutor helper; assistant
adjuvant substance added to make vaccine more effective
admanuensis one who takes an oath on a religious book
admaxillary connected to or near the jaw
admeasurement the act of measuring or apportioning
adminicle that which supports or aids, especially evidence
adnascent growing on some other thing
adnominal indicating adjective used as a noun
adnomination punning
adnoun adjective serving or used as a noun
adonise to adorn oneself
adoptionism belief that Christ was the adopted and not natural son of God
adoral near the mouth
adosculation impregnation by contact alone or by wind
adown in a descending direction
adoxography good writing on a trivial subject
adoxy beliefs that are neither orthodox nor heterodox
adpress to press together
adrogation adoption of a boy or girl before adolescence
adscititious added; additional
adscript attached or feudally bound to the soil or earth
adsorb to attract and stick to the surface
adumbrate indicate faintly; foreshadow
adunc hooked
aduncate shaped like a hook or crook
adust burnt; scorched
advection horizontal movement of air
advehent bringing inwards
advenient due to outside causes
adventitious accidental; casual
adventive a thing or person coming from outside
adversaria miscellaneous notes; commonplace books
adversative word or phrase expressing opposition
advert refer to in speech or writing
advertorial advertisement presented as if it were editorial material
advesperate darken; become late
advocaat liqueur containing rum and raw eggs
advowson right of presentation to church living
adynamia helplessness; lack of strength
adynaton rhetorical use of a nearly impossible situation for emphasis
adytum sacred part of a temple or church; church chancel
adzebill prehistoric flightless bird of New Zealand
aedile magistrate in charge of games, markets or buildings
aedoeology science of generative organs
aegilops stye in inner corner of eye
aegis protection; support
aegrotat medical certificate of illness excusing student's sickness
aeneous shining bronze colour
aeolian giving forth a tone as if produced by the wind
aeolipyle hollow ball that turns through steam escaping through valves
aeolistic long-winded
aeolotropy variation in physical properties on basis of position
aeonian lasting for an immeasurably long period of time
aepyornis gigantic flightless bird of Madagascar
aerenchyma respiratory tissue
aeriform of the form or shape of gas; gaseous
aerious of the nature of air; airy
aerobe organism requiring oxygen to survive
aerobiology study of airborne organisms
aerodonetics science or study of gliding
aerogenesis forming or generating gas or air
aerography descriptive work on the atmosphere
aerolite meteorite
aerolith stone that falls from the sky; meteorite
aerolithology study of aerolites; meteorites
aerology study of the atmosphere
aeromancy divination by means of the weather
aerometer instrument for measuring weight or density of gas
aerophane thin crinkled semi-transparent fabric
aerophilately collecting of air-mail stamps
aerophobia fear of flying or draughts
aerophone musical instrument like a concertina
aerophore instrument used to inflate stillborn child's lungs
aeropleustic of, like or pertaining to aerial navigation
aerostat any lighter-than air craft; balloon
aerostatics science of air pressure; art of ballooning
aeruginous of, like or pertaining to copper-rust or verdigris
aerugo rust of any metal
aesc letter used in Old English for 'ae'
aesopian conveying meaning only to those in a secret movement
aesthesia sensibility
aesthesiogenic producing or causing a sensation
aestheticism doctrine that beauty is central to other moral principles
aestival of, like or pertaining to summer
aethrioscope instrument for measuring temperature variations due to sky conditions
aeviternal everlasting; endless
aeviternity eternal existence
afebrile not suffering from fever
affabulation moral of a fable
affeer to assess; to reduce to a fixed sum
afferent bearing, bringing or carrying towards
affiance to trust; to betroth
affine a relation by marriage
afflated inspired
afflatus inspiration; divine impetus
afforce to strengthen a jury by adding skilled people
afforest to cover with forest; to convert into hunting grounds
affranchise to free from slavery or similar obligation
affray an attack or assault; an alarm or fright
affrayer disturber of the peace
affreightment hiring of a vessel
affreux frightening
affricate consonant that begins as a plosive and ends as a fricative
affronté of two heraldic animals, facing one another
affusion pouring on; as of baptismal water
afore before
afterclap unexpected damaging or unsettling after-effect
afterdeck deck behind a ship's bridge
aftergame rematch; means employed after first turn of affairs
afterguard men who work the aft sails on the quarterdeck and poop deck
afterhand subsequently
afterings last milk drawn when milking a cow
afterpiece minor piece after a play
aftershaft second shaft coming out of the quill of a feather
afterwil locking of the barn after the cows have been let out
agacerie allurement; coquetry
agalactia failure or inability to produce milk
agalloch eaglewood
agamist one who opposes marriage
agamogenesis reproduction by non-sexual means
agape selfless Christian love; a feast in celebration of such love
agapeistic characterized by Christian love
agapet lover of women
agapetae churchwomen who live platonically with celibate men
agapism ethics of love
agastopia admiration of part of another's body
agatewear type of ceramic resembling agate stone
agathism belief in ultimate triumph of good despite evil means
agathodaimon one's good genius; the good part of one's conscience
agelast one who never laughs
agennesic sterile; impotent
agenocratia opposition to birth control
agentive indicating agent performing an action
ageotropic moving or turning away from the earth
agersia quality of not growing old
ageusia damage to the sense of taste
agger artificial mound or elevation for military use
aggerose in heaps; piled up
aggiornamento modernization of ideas of the Catholic church
aggrade to raise level of a surface through depositing detritus
aggrandize increase power or rank of; make greater
aggrate to gratify or please
aggry type of West African glass beads
agio premium paid on foreign currency exchange
agiotage playing the stock market; speculation
agist to charge with a public burden; to take in to graze for payment
agistment land tax assessed for cattle pasturing
aglet metal point attached to a lace or string
agma symbol or sound for a velar nasal consonant "ng"
agminate grouped
agnail sore, corn or hangnail on the toe or foot
agname name over and above the ordinary name and surname
agnation kinship
agnize to acknowledge or confess
agnomen additional name; surname; nickname
agnomination rhetorical use of similar-sounding words for effect
agnosic unable to recognize familiar objects due to brain damage
agnosticism doctrine that we can know nothing beyond material phenomena
agnosy ignorance
agoge tempo or sequence in melody in ancient Greek music
agogic accenting a musical note by slightly dwelling on it
agomphosis looseness in the teeth
agone ago
agonic making no angle
agonism competition; effort; striving
agonistes someone in the grip of inner conflict
agonistic of, like or pertaining to or being aggressive or argumentative
agonistics art and theory of prize-fighting
agoraphobia fear of open spaces
agouti tropical rabbit-sized rodent
agowilt sudden sickening and unnecessary fear
agraffe hooked clasp used by masons to hold blocks together
agrapha sayings of Jesus not found in the canonical gospels
agraphia inability to write
agravic having no gravity; pertaining to the condition of zero-gravity
agrestic of the fields; rural; unpolished
agriology the comparative study of primitive peoples
agrize to horrify; to disfigure
agrizoiatry medicine specializing in wild animals
agrobiology study of plant nutrition; soil yields
agrology study of agricultural soils
agromania intense desire to be in open spaces
agronomics study of productivity of land
agrostography writing about grasses
agrostology science or study of grasses
agrypnia insomnia
agrypnotic anything taken to aid wakefulness
aguardiente Spanish or Portuguese brandy
agyiophobia fear of crossing busy streets
agynary lacking female genitals
ahimsa the duty of sparing animal life; non-violence
ahull with sails furled and helm lashed to the lee-side
ai three-toed sloth
aichmophobia fear of sharp or pointed objects
aiger tidal wave occurring in rivers
aigrette a spray of jewels; ornamental feather plume; an egret
aiguille sharp; needle-like peak of rock
aileron flap on airplane wing for lateral balance
ailette plate of armour worn on shoulder

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