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Why I Dont Hate Zoos

Barb Kirpluk

Blog #6 of 8




September 27th, 2015 - 08:34 PM

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Why I Dont Hate Zoos

Many people feel sad when they visit zoos because they see majestic animals "locked up" and sacrificing their lives for the "entertainment" of a selfish public. Well...zoos have changed quite a bit in the last few decades, as has their mission. And while I agree these animals are making a sacrifice, it's not as bad as you may have come to believe. The care provided, along with habitats, enrichment, and health care, surpasses what many humans on this earth are afforded. Aside from the well worn argument that you can't love what you don't know, therefore you would be less willing to protect the environments these animals inhabit in the wild, zoos are deeply involved in the conservation of endangered species. The picture here depicts a Mexican Grey Wolf from my local zoo. Mexican Grey wolves are dwindling, and may someday disappear from their natural habitat. This zoo has plans to release the pups from the next liter of this cohesive pack in hopes of helping the species survive. This is but a small snippet of the good zoos hope to accomplish. As for me, as an artist, I would never have the ability or the money to study and observe these and other wild animals at close range. They inform my paintings in a way a picture in a book never could. I am grateful for the opportunity to study them. So the next time you visit a zoo, pay attention to the many educational messages, and look past the obvious. Teach your children to respect wildlife, and thank the animals that give their lives for that lesson.


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