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Drawings Description

Joker Gallery

Blog #41 of 46




September 5th, 2014 - 10:17 AM

Drawings Description


Description in English


The drawings are made in pointillism technique ( or Divizionism ), which, in paint is well known, being rarely, even there, and less in drawings.
My drawings are A4 dimension, 100% made by hand with Isograph ( ink ), only handmade technique adjusting, the lines and points.One drawing is ready in 3 - 4 days or more than a week. This kind of drawing, in USA, could be sold, per piece, for $ 2.000 or even $ 5.000, from an unname artist. From the collection of a well known artist, the drawings could be sold for thousands.
My drawings were made in various styles, they are 100% fantasy, 100% by models and half by fantasy- half by model.

Color Drawings Description

Color Drawings 100% fantasy made with markers, detailed sketch The A4 size print measures 21.0 x 29.7cm, 8.27 x 11.69 inches.

Op-Art Description

Op-art (Optical Art) 100% my fantasy, contour is made with Rotring(ink)and colored with permanent marker black The A4 size print measures 21.0 x 29.7cm, 8.27 x 11.69 inches, if mounted 30.3 x 40.6cm, 11.93 x 15.98 inches.

Descriere in Romana (Romanian)


Desenele sint realizate cu technica pointilism (s-au Divizionism) m-ai mult sint cunoscute in pictura dar si acolo sunt rare in desen sint si mai rar intalnite.
Desenele mele sint de marimea A4 si sint 100% realizate manual cu ajutorul Isograph-ului (pe baza de tus) care a fost subtiat special asa deci puncetele sint cu mult mai subtiri decit o zecime de milimetru dar repet toate aceste puncte s-au pus manual unul cite unul fara nici un aparat.Realizarea unui desen necesita de la 3-4 zile la peste o saptamina.Desenele pointilism de acest tip si calitate in statele unite ale Americi ating valoarea de $ 2000 si $ 5000 de dollari pe bucata fara renume.Cu renume mai multe zeci s-au chiar si sute de mii de dollari.
Desenele sunt realizate in amestec sint desene 100% fantezie si pe jumate fantezie jumatate dupa model si sint care 100% dupa model.

Descrire Desene Colorate

Desene Colorate 100% fantezie create cu carioci ,schițã detaliatã in marime A4 adica 21.0 x 29.7cm, 8.27 x 11.69 inches.

Descriere Op-Art

Op-Art (Optical Art) 100% fantezie proprie, conturul a fost realizat cu Rotring (pe baza de tus) coloratul cu carioci permanent de culoarea neagra, in marimea A4 adica 21.0 x 29.7cm, 8.27 x 11.69 inches, if mounted 30.3 x 40.6cm, 11.93 x 15.98 inches.

Magyar Leiras (Hungarian)


A rajzok ponitilizmus (vagy Divizionizmus) teknikaval keszultek, ami inkab a festeszetben ismert ,de ott is ritka, rajzban meg meg ritkab.
A rajzaim A4 meretben keszultek 100% szabad kezel Isographal, (tussal) ami mestersegessen let vekonyitva, igy a pontok vastagsaga az egy tized millimeternel is joval vekonyabak es ismetlem mindez egyenket let odateve szabad kezel semifele gep segitsegevel.Egy rajz elkeszitese 3-4 naptol kezdve akar tobb mint egy hetet is igenybe vesz.Az ilyen jelegu es minosegu pointilizmus rajzok az Amerikai egyesult alamokban elerik a $ 2000 es az $ 5000 dollaros darabonkenti arat hirnev nelkul.Hirnevel akar tobb tiz vagy Tobb szaz ezer dollarokat is.
A rajzok vegyesen keszultek, vanak 100% fantazia rajzok iletve felig fantazia felig model utan es vanak 100% model utan keszultek is.

Szines Rajzok Leiras

Szines rajzok 100% Fantazia ami karikoval let megalkotva, reszletes meret A4 az-az 21.0 x 29.7cm, 8.27 x 11.69 inches.

Op-Art Rajzok Leiras

Op-Art (Optical Art) 100% sajat fantaziabol, a korvonalak (tus alapu) Rotring-el a szinezese fekete permenent kariokkaval keszult .Eredeti meret A4 az-az 21.0 x 29.7cm, 8.27 x 11.69 inches, if mounted 30.3 x 40.6cm, 11.93 x 15.98 inches.

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