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Milagros Phillips

Blog #2 of 3




July 3rd, 2015 - 01:32 PM

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Day 2  - 100 PAINTINGS 100 INSIGHTS 100 DAYS

JULY 2, 2015
Painting: VISIONS
2008 14x18 Acrylic on Canvas

There are times in my process when I approach the canvas with a set idea, and there are times when I allow the canvas and paint to tell their own story. This was one of those times. I simply painted the background and I let the painting sit on the easel, mostly because I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with a pink background. Toward the end of the second day, I sat in front of the canvas, and as I looked at it, I realized that the painting was already there. All I had to do was trace over it to farther accentuate it, and bring it to life. All that I needed to see, and to know was right before my eyes.

In life, we spend a lot of our time “in search of,” when often, what we seek is right before us, just waiting to be seen.

What have you been seeking that has already found you?

I have learned that life is a dialogue between the seen and the unseen, the sound and the silence. That day I allowed the canvas to speak, and its co-creation with the colors told a story of its own. My only job was to take a deeper look and see with the eyes of the heart, that I might see the VISIONS.

What do you see when you look at VISIONS?

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