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Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

Fun Game 8

It's so refreshing to see that this fun-thread is still going strong :-)
Thanks a ton to all who are participating. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Once again:
The aim of the game is to create a story.
You can only post 4 words per comment, and you have to wait until someone else posts before you can post again.

(Please no images ... they make the thread very slow ... Thanks)

Have fun :-)

Fun Game 7.5 ended with

Baby's diaper is wet
but baby won't fret
because it is dead

(I was the last one who posted in the old thread, so who ever wants to be next is welcome to go ahead)

Reply Order

Post Reply

asleep in it's bed


JAXINE Cummins

11 Years Ago

While mother makes bread


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

for those who're unwed


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

Haven't time for dread


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

for any who bled


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

and for the purebred


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

who likes the "Grateful Dead"


Myrna Migala

11 Years Ago

I prefer Mr. Ed


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

he lost his head
(Godfather :)


in a bloody bed


JAXINE Cummins

11 Years Ago

Going back to bed


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

where kids were bred


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

they're all grownups now


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

loving living in Moscow


JAXINE Cummins

11 Years Ago

We lost Pa's Cow.


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

through the Dow


dropped like a sow


Billy Griffis Jr

11 Years Ago

I'm over it now


Richard Rizzo

11 Years Ago

like sweat on brow


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Cleared with a plow


built in Krakow


John Ayo

11 Years Ago

from a garbage scow


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

then shipped to Bilbao


Gwyn Newcombe

11 Years Ago

short for Billabong ?

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This is a very popular discussion with 2234 responses.   In order to help the page load faster and allow you to quickly read the most recent posts, we're only showing you the oldest 25 posts and the newest 25 posts.   Everything in the middle has been skipped.   Want to read the entire discussion?   No problem: click here.


Joann Vitali

11 Years Ago

and still going strong


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Lean mean fighting machine


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

just a smoke screen


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

like anti wrinkles cream


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

gives skin a gleam


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

delays surgical seams


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

but that's just dreams


like vanishing creams?


Patricia Januszkiewicz

11 Years Ago

better than other extremes


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

Futile 2me it seems


Fits into someone's schemes


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

balanced on the beams


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

by the gymnastic teams


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

gently down the streams


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

without tipping the boat


Ronald T Williams

11 Years Ago

without wearing a float


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

without riding the goat


Nina Prommer

11 Years Ago

beats having to vote


Jackie Mueller-Jones

11 Years Ago

for a winter coat


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

I'll make a note


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

On you I dote!


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

you make me bloat


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

Is that a quote?


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

it floats my boat


Gene Gregory

11 Years Ago

stay off my dinghy !


David Gordon

11 Years Ago

don't be too clingy


Karen Newell

11 Years Ago

One ringy dingy


Alexandra Till

11 Years Ago

you're probably just stingy

(please continue here: Fun Game 9


This discussion is closed.