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Wake Up Call

Ivan Tirado

Blog #80 of 153




January 18th, 2015 - 06:27 AM

Wake Up Call

In the middle of the night an idea begins crawling from the subconscious and sings its silent song in your ears. It is so quiet it stands out over the noise of the night. It makes you wonder the reality between a dream or being awake. No matter the hour it is almost irresistible to ignore. Maybe it was the food you had last night. Maybe is inspiration’s wake up call. You want to turn and keep sleeping but the tender touch makes you open your eyes. You could keep sleeping but that is not an option when a muse turns the switch on. The muse decides to do it the day you could sleep in. Surprisingly you feel woke awake and not tired at all. At least until that idea is out of your head. I bet you are already thinking about when during the day you are taking a nap.

A good idea should not be wasted or left alone until later in the morning. You might forget it. It might not be as exciting as it looked when it came to you. If you don’t want to leave your bed write it down. Having a notebook or sketchbook next to the bed could help. Do you have one? If you don’t, you should. Maybe that idea is the one that could change your life. Keep a nightlight too. Smartphones have applications for notes and sketching, and you don’t need the nightlight. You can also record make a voice memo. Whatever necessary to articulate the idea and keep it fresh. Although sometimes all that is not enough. Sometimes you have to get out of bed and make it happen.

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