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STALKER? Sunnyvale, CA - visiting all the time?

Sandra Nardone

Blog #1 of 1




May 18th, 2015 - 08:48 PM

STALKER? Sunnyvale, CA - visiting all the time?

I have noticed hundreds of visits to my images by someone from Sunnyvale, CA. I would be flattered, but they never leave a comment or favor - they just keep looking! They visit all hours so I'm not sure if it's the same person or just many people from that area. Has anyone else had this happen? If so, what do I do?
thanks, sandi


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Jacqueline M Lewis

8 Years Ago

Allentown, PA

These Sunnyvale visits are commonly called "bots"--you probably have seen Kiez and a Chinese location, among others. Never buy, never comment. FAA says the bots get us to be seen in searches...doubt it. I find it totally annoying.