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Open letter to those who Want to change the World

Alex Thomas

Blog #1 of 5




August 21st, 2014 - 05:32 PM

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Open letter to those who Want to change the World

***for optimal reading, please read this blog direclty on my website (click the web link attached)

On ‘Wake-up’ activists-

Some questions I pondered @first

You might have heard of those conspiracy theorists who call themselves truth holders or some even awakened people, committed to spreading quite appealing documentaries on how the world apparently really works. They supposedly reveal ‘secrets’ of the political and economic field and if you watch one of those I must admit myself, you don’t remain indifferent.
I, myself, adhered to “this movement” until I recently pulled back and considered: “what if there are no real Truth holders, no one is right or wrong?”, “ What if there are no bads against the goods, and all this, is again another ego-driven fight where people need to have an escape goat, someone to blame, to start a revolution, have a cause to justify their existence, a minority group to protect because it reinforces their self-perceptions of ‘good people’ – this, just by naming The Bad Ones ?”

Well, what if these causes and fights and revolutions we start are simply a way to escape our own lives? A chronic need of the mind to distract us from what really matters: our lives& our relationship with others? A need to differentiate between good/bad, identify/label THE evil, maybe to reassure ourselves we are *not* it, or maybe as a way to clear our consciousness; an ongoing perverted way of remaining immature, naïf, black & white perceivers, just like five year olds who see the world split into two categories: the good and the bad.

And then I dropped the verdict

Thus one day… we go to war. Angry soldiers in childish minds, or scared bodies carrying the lies of a Government that we willingly accept- We need an escape goat or have someone tell is what to do. When we go blindly to war to defend a cause (anger always blinds us), we present with the same flaws as our identified ‘enemies’. We are no better, because we act out of hatred or primitive impulses. We are blindly convinced we are in the ‘good’ camp. And the more convinced we are about our cause, and ready we are to defend it, the more asleep/unconscious and brain-washed we are. All wars have been fed with anger and propaganda. All wars started with a supposedly good cause that appealed to peoples’ fears and was successfully exploited. People ruled by fear (that’s most human beings) are easy targets to manipulate, even more so when they don’t use their own critical sense, inner knowledge (intuition or heart knowledge) and self-awareness.

However, today, “Truth Theorists/Activists” seem to never consider or admit that people are not necessarily mindless manipulated sheeps, but maybe they are more or less consciously choosing to live such life, in such a World. In the Era of Information, Ignorance is a choice. We have access to information, yet we don’t care much about any other truth… we want our truth, our habits intact rejoicing in a delicious ignorance.

Let’s come out of denial…

Although unfair, cruel, selfish (or whatever we may readily label it), it is nevertheless comfortable to live this way. In the West we lead a comfortable life, let’s bravely admit it. We have leaders making choices for us, we are delivered food at the door, we are told how and what to do. Easy life! All too easy and convenient for us not to grow up. We somehow prefer having others making the hard decisions, political choices, go to war, do the dirty job or slaughter animals for us to enjoy our steak peacefully.
Why would we want to be awake? Why would we want to see a disturbing truth? we like watching dumb Tv shows, shop cheap and conveniently, eat crap food coz tastier, vote for the illusive politicians because they ‘sound good’ or ‘ look charismatic’, the just keep a dream alive! - We are dream lovers and simple creatures, we ‘adore’ being fooled! We love to let others the responsibility of choice. Because taking responsibility means growing up. It means not having anyone to blame, hate or criticize no more. We are directly responsible for our lives and choices. And that’s much more scary then being brain-washed.

So maybe we are happily & willingly brainwashed after all.

Maybe the political and economic system we have currently suits perfecting our human nature and that’s why capitalism has survived for so long. Capitalism is the illusion of freedom. Money rule and control people minds and fears. Capitalist governments are led by corporations not people. Capitalism feeds on people’s fears and greed. It’s easier to feed the sick & insecure minds than feed the soul and relationships. Because relationships and solidarity threatens self-reliability, our material possessions and our Ego (all naturally impermanent entities, but nevertheless we like to think they aren’t so).
We just live in a World where the rich 1% of the population simply understood the needs (or insanity) of human beings (what sells well, what works) and have known how to ‘exploit’ it cleverly for many long years. And we are just jealous when we criticize them. Since we enjoy buying their products and contribute to their wealth we cannot be called ‘victims of a system’.
Fighting to ‘awaken’ people while the information is broadly available, at a few finger clicks, is a reminder of the saying “you can lead a horse to water , but you can’t force it to drink”. And you can certainly lead someone to knowledge but you can’t make them think.
In reality, blaming some ‘Bad Guys’ (the rich, the system, the millionaires or whatever) it’s far more easy than accepting human nature as it is: sometimes deeply selfish, superficial and purposely immoral. And why is it so…? Simply because it reflects our own nature. We are only projecting on others.
What we see in others is what we already have within us but strongly reject.
The stronger we react, the more present and disliked ‘that flaw’ is within us.
-----Take a thief for example - he will typically suspect and accuse everyone of stealing. If you haven’t stolen before, this wouldn’t even go through your mind about others doing it. ------
It is also hard to accept that most of people are choosing somehow to consciously ignore highly disturbing issues (injustice, hunger, animals/child abuse, climate change etc) or deep thinking/processes (e.g. search for truth, use of critical sense, use of curiosity and of an investigative spirit) for the simple- yet tough to swallow- reasons such as: commodity/habits, fear of change, energy or time factors. Many just don’t have the time and many just can’t be bothered.

In conclusion : real wisdom and activism is to change ourselves. This starts with seeing and recognizing in ourselves that evil, that anger, that greed and darkness that’s always there within us. Is to trust that every human being will grow in its due time, just like a fruit that ripens right when the time is up. It to trust that growth is inevitable in our lives, as is part of the journey.

We need to live and let others live.

Life is beautiful and life happens: with its great wake up calls, it brings along grief, loss and sorrow. At some point in time, individual change will be necessary.
Shall we trust the process of life and keep listening inside, into the only place where real change beings :–inside of us.

So by now you may have jumped off your chair and yelled at me:

‘So what should we do meanwhile, watch the madness and do nothing?’ read on….

Naturally, many of our world leaders are self-absorbed and highly concerned with their own interests- I don’t postulate that we should not denounce them and remain apathic. I heartily support active mobilization to assist or rescue the helpless: animals, children and abused/disadvantaged populations. But I sustain that the problem (or nativity) about leadership (or political systems) lies in thinking that others would do a better job. If conspiracy theorists have a viable solution for human nature, in the long term, based on incorruptible justice, altruism, compassion and government transparency, than I invite them to propose it.
Illusion-proof proposals please go ahead. Communists are called utopists for obvious historical results. Oscar wild with Animals Farm gave us one of the most valuable lessons about our animalistic nature: we are bad learners and history always repeats itself. History is building always on the same consistent sequence: one revolution –one political system-another revolution-another political system and back to square one: same political system and another revolution. People are never happy and human nature is always flawed. There will always be power-driven ‘people who will be ambitious enough to seduce masses and conquer worlds. There will always be a ‘pig’ in the story who would set up an evil army and take over the world again.
People cannot be imposed any political ideal but they can chose their own ways and they shall be more trusted in this process. By choosing their own ways, they can take responsibility for outcomes and build on results. There is no doubt people feel more inclined to change when they see/follow an example, a role model. (I even think people do need more role models and I see some that would be wonderful in politics- but sadly these ones are too wise to get into the business of managing others’ people lives).
The final word of conclusion is that real change comes first at a personal level. Real change must be inner-oriented, spiritual and radically not political. When we empower people to take direct responsibility for their choices, even pigs can grow. And as the story told us…. pigs who don’t grown, do not survive for long.

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