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Helping People

Delila Bishop

Blog #8 of 13




February 8th, 2016 - 04:45 PM

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Helping People

Have you ever thought that, maybe, just maybe you should be able to do more to help people Then you start thinking, well I don't have the time, or I don't have the money, or both. I know for me it is just something I normally don't think about at all until someone asks me. Lately though, I have been trying to do things to make my life better and not so stressful. Trying to get my house in order, getting rid of all my extra junk, and attempting to get my life in order, are just a few of the things that are occupying the greater part of my life. How do you cope? It feels like I am getting nowhere fast.

I was thinking I could really use some help, and that made me think. I bet everyone needs help sometimes, and probably are afraid to ask for it. Asking for help is one of the hardest things for me because I really don't want anyone to know how bad it ever got in the first place.

Really when you think about it people used to help each other all the time. It was the american way of life. If someone needed a house, you would have a house raising party. The community would come together and put the house up in just one day. If someone was sick the neighbor might run to get the Dr. or bring a meal. I really think it is one of the things that has really become a thing of the past. Communities don't come together like they used to. There was a time when most people knew their neighbors. And they would reach out a helping hand if someone was in need.

Can you imagine how much nicer life would be if people (not just family and friends, but communities) could come together and help each other out. Now days we are so scared to reach out, afraid of judgment and afraid of being hurt. How can we change this? If we could figure this one question out it would do a great deal to change the face of our country, maybe the world.

Single mothers would be able to work and not spend half their paycheck on child care. The elderly would all have someone coming to visit them just to say hello. Children would have help with their homework even if their parents couldn't read. It would be a safer and happier place. But seeing that this isn't the way things are now, how can we help? How can we get out there, help, and ask for help when we need it?

People say be the change you want to see. Well I want to see it! So what's next...

I think a way I could help right now is to actually take a step and see where the next one leads. Isn't that how we get anywhere. I am thinking of planning an event in my town, to help empower women. I would like to help give them the confidence they need to face the world and be the change they want to see. Maybe I could talk some of our local hair dressers, to come in and volunteer to do some free hair styles. I think us women could get together and do each others make up and nails. And maybe even get some pointers on skin care and beauty, without spending a butt load of money. Maybe this could be an event that occurs every 6 weeks.

Something like this could help give the women in my community a sense of self worth and create some friendships too. It would give the hair dressers a chance to get their name out there so it would only help them as well. What do you think? Could this be something that works? I know it's not changing the whole world, but maybe a baby step...

Please I need some feedback. What are some of the things you would do to help if you could? Do you know of some great organizations that could use some volunteers?

Thanks :)


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